uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


3.7 Obtaining RMI-IIOP stubs and interfaces

This section describes the acquisition of the RMI-IIOP stubs and interfaces.

The following table describes the organization of this section:

Table 3-11 Organization of this section (Obtaining RMI-IIOP stubs and interfaces)

Category Title Reference location
Description Overview of obtaining RMI-IIOP stubs and interfaces 3.7.1
Manual download with server management commands 3.7.2
Dynamic class loading 3.7.3
Setup Specifying JAR files in the class path of the EJB client application 3.7.4
Notes Precautions during the use of uCosminexus Client 3.7.5

There is no specific description of Implementation, and Operation for this functionality.

Organization of this section
3.7.1 Overview of obtaining RMI-IIOP stubs and interfaces
3.7.2 Manual download with server management commands
3.7.3 Dynamic class loading
3.7.4 Specifying JAR files in the class path of the EJB client application
3.7.5 Precautions during the use of uCosminexus Client