uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


3.7.3 Dynamic class loading

Start the EJB client application without specifying the RMI-IIOP stubs in the class path. The RMI-IIOP stubs and RMI-IIOP interfaces will be read automatically when the EJB client application invokes the Enterprise Bean.

To use dynamic class loading of RMI-IIOP stubs:

  1. Edit the Easy Setup definition file.
    Specify true in the ejbserver.DynamicStubLoading.Enabled parameter in the <configuration> tag of the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) of the Easy Setup definition file.
  2. Restart the corresponding J2EE server.
    Start the J2EE server. If the J2EE applications are already running, stop them once and then restart the J2EE servers.
    The precautions to be taken for using the dynamic class loading are as follows:
    • When using dynamic class loading, you cannot start more than one J2EE application having Enterprise Beans with the same package name and interface name, in a single J2EE server. You cannot start more than one J2EE application even when the name of the parent class that acts as the inheritance source is the same. Here, the parent class that acts as the inheritance source is a class created by the user and not a class provided by J2SE and J2EE.
    • If the stubs are not specified in the class path of the client program, you cannot recover the Handle (javax.ejb.Handle) of the serialized Enterprise Bean object.
    • You cannot use the dynamic class loading functionality when executing the look up of the global CORBA Naming Service of CTM.
    • If you start the J2EE server by specifying the -nosecurity option in the cjstartsv command, you cannot use the dynamic class loading when a J2EE application, which operates on the J2EE server, operates as an EJB client.