uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


3.7.4 Specifying JAR files in the class path of the EJB client application

This subsection describes how to set up JAR files in the class path of the EJB client application. The method of setting the JAR file to the class path differs depending upon the command used to invoke the EJB client application.

The following table describes the JAR files required for executing an EJB client application:

Table 3-12 JAR files required for executing the EJB client application

JAR file name [Type]#1 JAR file location Contents included Commands
cjclstartap vbj
hitj2ee.jar [Fixed]
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX
Class provided with the product -- Y
HiEJBClientStatic.jar [Fixed]
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX
Class provided with the product -- Y
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX
Class provided with the product -- Y
cprf.jar [Fixed]
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX
Class provided with the product -- Y
#2 #3
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX
Class provided with the product -- Y
tpotsinproc.jar [Transaction used]
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX
Class provided with the product -- O
ejbserver.jar [Transaction used]
  • In Windows
  • In UNIX
stubs.jar [RMI-IIOP stubs]
Either download from the J2EE server, or use dynamic class loading
RMI-IIOP stubs
  • Stubs of the EJB object
  • Stubs of the EJB home object
  • Classes in which the stubs are referenced
numeric-value.jar [RMI-IIOP interfaces]
Download from the J2EE server
RMI-IIOP interfaces
  • Remote interface
  • Home interface
  • Classes in which interfaces are referenced
User-created JAR file User-created class This is a user-created class used in the EJB client application.
If the unique Filter class, the Formatter class or the Handler class created by the user is used in the user log functionality of the EJB client application, specify these classes also in the class path.#3

Y: Must be specified in the class path.
O: If necessary, specify in the class path.
--: Need not be specified in the class path.

The JAR files include the following types:

Use a JAR file corresponding to the OS you are using. For HP-UX (IPF) and Linux (IPF), specify hntrlibMj64.jar. For other operating systems, specify hntrlibMj.jar. Note that if these JAR files are specified, output mode of the system log changes to a shared subdirectory mode. For details on the shared subdirectory mode, see 3.8.2 Output destination subdirectory of the system log.

Specify for using the user log output functionality of the EJB client application. For details on how to specify the user log output settings for the EJB client applications, see 9.8 User log output settings for J2EE applications in the uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide.

  • When you use uCosminexus Client to create the EJB client environment, replace Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC in the storage directory with Cosminexus-installation-directory\CCL.
  • When you use uCosminexus Client to create the EJB client environment, you cannot use the transactions of the EJB client application.
  • When setting up JAR files in the class path, pay attention to the setup order of the JAR files.
    When using a transaction, set up tpotsinproc.jar and ejbserver.jar in the class path. In such a case, set up HiEJBClientStatic.jar even before ejbserver.jar.
    When using the performance analysis trace functionality, set up cprf.jar in the class path. In such a case, set up cprf.jar before setting up HiEJBClientStatic.jar.
    If you set up these files in the reverse order, an attempt to initialize the performance analysis trace will fail. Furthermore, if you specify these files in the reverse order, the message KDJE51008-W will be output with the reason code -4 when the log level of the EJB client application is set to Warning or higher. Note that when an attempt to initialize the performance analysis trace fails, the performance analysis trace will not be output, but you can continue with the processing of the EJB client application.