Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


3.1 Remote control mode

You can use the remote control facility when the controller is connected to an agent. A single controller can be connected with more than one agent. In addition, multiple controllers can be connected to a single agent.

An agent cannot initiate a connection to the controller. However, you cannot issue a connection request to the controller from the agent. Either the controller or the agent can initiate the disconnection operation.

The permission to operate an agent machine is called the remote control mode. The remote control mode has three levels: View, Shared, and Exclusive, in which order the level of operational permission becomes higher.

This mode only allows you to view the screen of the agent machine. No keyboard or mouse operations are allowed.
When the connected controller or agent is in the exclusive mode, the local machine is forced to this mode.

This mode allows you to operate the agent from either the controller or the agent.

This mode allows you to inhibit operations from the connection destination (controller or agent), and gives the local machine exclusive permission to operate the agent machine. When the controller is in this mode, keyboard and mouse operations of the agent machine will be disabled. Additionally, when the agent is in this mode, the controller can only view the agent's screen (remote control is disabled).
Organization of this section
3.1.1 Determining the remote control mode
3.1.2 Changing the remote control mode of the agent in the view mode
3.1.3 Remote control mode in the multi-connection environment