Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


2.1.2 Program list

The table below lists the programs that provide the remote control facility, and shows which programs offer the Remote Control Manager and Remote Control Agent facilities. JP1/Remote Control is a program that offers these facilities, whereas, for JP1/Software Distribution, you must select these facilities as components when performing the installation.

Any of these programs can coexist on a single network. You can also install both manager and agent facilities on a single machine.

Table 2-1 Remote control programs

Program name Remote Control Manager Remote Control Agent
JP1/Remote Control Manager Y N
JP1/Remote Control Agent N Y
JP1/Software Distribution Manager Y Y#
JP1/Software Distribution Client N Y

Y: Offers this facility
N: Does not offer this facility

This can be installed only when it is to be used as a relay manager/system.