Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2. Facilities of JP1/Software Distribution

This chapter provides details about the facilities of JP1/Software Distribution.

(For consistency with earlier documentation, this manual usually uses the term facility instead of the more common terms functionality or function.)

Organization of this chapter
2.1 Software distribution (remote installation)
2.2 Acquiring inventory information
2.3 Managing inventory information
2.4 Collecting files (by remote collection)
2.5 Monitoring software operation statuses
2.6 Managing software operation information
2.7 Managing clients
2.8 Controlling remote clients
2.9 Managing jobs
2.10 Managing system configuration information
2.11 Outputting management information
2.12 Totaling the inventory information according to work goals
2.13 Client facilities
2.14 Linking with other programs