Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.2 Acquiring inventory information

By executing a job or a command from the managing server, you can acquire information about the clients (inventory information). The following inventory information can be acquired:

This section provides the details of the inventory information that can be acquired and gives an overview of how to acquire the inventory information.

It also describes how to use the acquired inventory information, explains the facility for acquiring inventory information from a stand-alone PC where JP1/Software Distribution is installed, and provides notes about managing inventory information.

Organization of this section
2.2.1 Acquiring system information
2.2.2 Acquiring software information
2.2.3 Acquiring user inventory information
2.2.4 Acquiring directory information
2.2.5 How to acquire inventory information
2.2.6 Acquiring inventory information from stand-alone PCs
2.2.7 Uses of inventory information
2.2.8 Notes on managing inventory information