Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.2.5 How to acquire inventory information

You can use the following methods to collect system information, software information, and user inventory information from clients:

You can use a command to acquire directory information from the computer that is managing the Active Directory information.

These methods are described below.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Collecting inventory information by executing jobs
(2) Automatically collecting the latest inventory information
(3) Collecting inventory information by executing a command

(1) Collecting inventory information by executing jobs

You can collect system information, software information and user inventory information by executing the following jobs from the managing server:

The following subsections describe examples of efficiently collecting inventory information.

(a) Collecting inventory information periodically

You can execute a job for collecting system information, software information, and user inventory information periodically at a client. You specify the collection interval in the Detailed Scheduling dialog box. Open this dialog box when you create the inventory collection job. From the Schedule page, choose Options. The available intervals are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.

Figure 2-9 Detailed Scheduling dialog box


Once the system administrator specifies the job, this facility automatically updates the inventory information managed by the managing server to its current status.

When you create a Get user inventory information job to collect user inventory information, you can execute the job periodically. You can also have the job report modified information to the managing server whenever there is a change in the client user's user inventory information. This facility enables the managing server to always maintain up-to-date user inventory information.

(b) Collecting inventory information while reducing the burden on the network and relational database

Using a wildcard (*) to search many clients might collect unnecessary information, placing a heavy burden on the network, and might cause the size of the relational database to expand excessively. In this case, you can use a software inventory dictionary to narrow the file search, thereby reducing the burden on the network and relational database.

The following figure shows how to use a software inventory dictionary to search for files.

Figure 2-10 File search method that uses a software inventory dictionary


  1. Generate a software inventory dictionary by using the asterisk (*) wildcard to find all applicable files in one or several machines in which you know the software you want to manage is already installed.
    The software information collected through a file search is registered in the software inventory dictionary.
  2. Edit the software inventory dictionary.
    From the list of registered software, select the software you want to manage.
  3. Execute a file search with the inventory dictionary edited in step 2 specified on all the clients having inventory information you want to manage.
    This search finds only the software targeted for management, so the burden on the network is reduced. You can also prevent unneeded information from being loaded into the relational database.

For details about file search using the asterisk wildcard, see 3.2.2 Setting the Options page in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1. For details about how to edit the software inventory dictionary, see 3.2.5 Filtering a software inventory in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.

(2) Automatically collecting the latest inventory information

You can keep managed inventory information current by having the clients report their inventory information automatically to the managing server whenever given types of inventory information are updated at the clients. Because this method enables you to collect inventory information without having to execute a job, it is especially effective for managing inventory information.

The following figure shows the facility for automatically collecting update inventory information.

Figure 2-11 Facility for automatically collecting updated inventory information


This facility enables you to collect part of the system information and software information. To collect all system information, software information, and user inventory information, you must execute a job.

For details about the function for automatic reporting of inventory information to the higher system and the inventory information that can be collected, see 2.13.4 Reporting inventory information from clients.

(3) Collecting inventory information by executing a command

You can collect directory information by executing a command instead of a job. The following gives the general procedure for collecting directory information from Active Directory.

To collect directory information from Active Directory:

  1. Extract the information necessary for connecting to Active Directory, and the information to be collected from Active Directory.
    Extract the information necessary for connecting to Active Directory, such as the host name and port number of the Active Directory from which directory information is to be collected, and the items to be collected from Active Directory.
  2. In a map file, define the names to be displayed in the window.
    In the map file, define the names to be displayed in the managing server window when displaying items collected from Active Directory. Defining the display names here ensures that the items acquired are displayed in the window. In the map file, define names that will be easy for you to manage.
  3. Define in parameter files the information necessary for connecting to Active Directory, and the information to be collected from Active Directory.
    Define in parameter files the information necessary for connecting to Active Directory, such as the host name and port number of the Active Directory from which directory information is to be collected, and the items to be collected from Active Directory.
  4. Execute the directory information acquisition command (dcmadsync.exe).
    By registering this command as a task in the Windows Task Scheduler or by linking it to JP1/AJS, you can execute it periodically. Whenever Active Directory is updated, update the directory information as well.

The following figure shows the general procedure for collecting directory information.

Figure 2-12 General procedure for collecting directory information


Notes on collecting directory information

For details about the relationship between the collected directory information and the system configuration information on the managing server, see 2.10.3 Relationship between system configuration information and directory information. For details about how to collect directory information, see 3.4 Acquiring directory information in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.