Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.1 Software distribution (remote installation)

JP1/Software Distribution's remote installation facility enables you to distribute programs, such as Hitachi program products and other companies' software, to clients.

With this facility, you can specify the date and time that software distribution is to be executed, or you can distribute only to those clients that satisfy specified conditions. The facility also enables a client to specify the software to be distributed and software to be installed on a stand-alone PC on which JP1/Software Distribution has been installed.

This section provides an overview of the remote installation facility.

Organization of this section
2.1.1 General procedure for remote installation
2.1.2 Types of software available for distribution
2.1.3 Installation conditions that can be set during packaging
2.1.4 Job types for executing remote installation
2.1.5 Executing installation according to a client user's schedule
2.1.6 Installing software on a stand-alone PC
2.1.7 Managing cabinets and packages
2.1.8 Deleting packages from a relay system