Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.1.7 Managing cabinets and packages

Managing cabinets and packages is basically the managing server's (or relay system's) responsibility. You can use the Remote Installation Manager's Package window to check and edit packages as required. It is convenient to create cabinets in advance for different types of software and purposes (such as commercial software, user data, and anti-virus products).

The following is an example of the Package window:

Figure 2-4 Package window


Cabinets and packages are listed in the Package window in the left-hand frame with the following icons:

This icon is displayed for a differing-components package created by a JP1/Software Distribution version earlier than 7i. JP1 Version 8 or later does not support remote installation of differing-components packages.

In the Package window, you can perform the following operations on cabinets and packages:

For details about how to manage cabinets and packages, see 2.4 Managing cabinets and managing packages in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.