Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.7.6 Using AMT to control clients

If you use computers that support AMT, you can use AMT functionality to control clients by installing the AMT Linkage component on the clients and higher systems.

The following shows the prerequisites for using AMT to control clients.

Managing server:
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5 is installed
  • telnet.exe is present inside the system folder (this is a prerequisite for using the remote control facility of AMT).
  • imrsdk.dll is stored in a host on which the command is run (When the remote control function of AMT is used).
  • JP1/Software Distribution version 08-10 or later is being used
  • AMT Linkage is installed

Relay manager/system:
If you use AMT to control clients below a relay manager/system, the same prerequisites as those for the managing server apply to the relay manager/system.
To use the client functionality, the same prerequisites as those for the client system apply. However, for a relay system in the Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista Edition of JP1/Software Distribution Client, use version 08-51 or later.

  • A computer that supports AMT is being used.
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5 is installed.
  • An SOL driver is installed (this is a prerequisite for using the remote control functionality of AMT).
  • DHCP is being used.
  • The OS is Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 (either without any service pack or with Service Pack 1), or Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 1 or later).
  • One of the following versions of JP1/Software Distribution Client is being used:
    [Figure] 08-10 or later
    [Figure] 08-51 or later, and the OS is Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista
    [Figure] 09-50 or later, and the OS is Windows 7
  • AMT Linkage is installed.
  • The host name is used as the ID key for operations.

For details about the system configuration needed to use AMT Linkage, see 5.2.5 System configuration when using AMT.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Using the client control facility
(2) Storing the client host ID
(3) Remotely controlling a client on which a failure has occurred

(1) Using the client control facility

The client control facility enables you to control and execute jobs on clients that do not support Wake on LAN or on clients that are in standby or sleep mode.

Provided that the managing server and client environments support use of AMT Linkage, you can use AMT to control the client simply by enabling the client control facility for use when you execute the job. In an environment that supports use of Wake on LAN, you can also perform client control with Wake on LAN if AMT-based client control fails.

To determine whether a client supports use of AMT Linkage, check the value obtained for the AMT firmware version item in the system information. If there is no value, or if the value is N/A, AMT Linkage cannot be used on that client.

For details about the settings required to use this facility, see 6.3 Settings for using the client control facility.

(2) Storing the client host ID

Normally, a new host ID is generated whenever a client is re-installed, so the higher systems recognize the new client as a different asset from when it existed before it was re-installed.

On a client that uses AMT Linkage, the host ID generated by the first installation can be stored by AMT in nonvolatile memory, so that the same host ID will be used after the client has been re-installed.

This means that the client can always be recognized as the same asset by higher systems, even if it must be re-installed due to a disk failure or some other problem.

For details about the settings required to use this functionality, see 6.5.1 Storing the client's host ID.

(3) Remotely controlling a client on which a failure has occurred

Using the remote control facility of AMT, you can connect to a client whose power is off, and you can set up its BIOS. Additionally, if a floppy disk containing a diagnostic program is available in the managing server, from the managing server you can remotely execute the diagnostic program on a client.

If a failure occurs on a client, you can try to recover the client from the failure by checking its BIOS settings from the managing server, or by executing the diagnostic program to investigate the cause.

If you wish to use this functionality, the version of the managing server and the client must be 08-51 or later.

For details on how to use this functionality, see 7.6 Using AMT's remote control facility in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.