Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


6.5.1 Storing the client's host ID

When you use AMT Linkage at a client running on a computer that supports AMT, you can store the host ID in AMT's nonvolatile memory.

Storing the host ID in this manner allows you to restore it if, for example, you need to re-install the client when recovering from a disk failure. This enables the higher systems to recognize the newly installed client as being the same asset as it was prior to the failure.

The following subsections explain the settings for storing host IDs in AMT's nonvolatile memory.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Setting method
(2) dcmamtin.exe (initialize AMT's nonvolatile memory)

(1) Setting method

You must first initialize an area in AMT's nonvolatile memory in which to store the host IDs. To initialize the area, you execute the dcmamtin command on the higher system targeting the computer that supports AMT. You can execute this command either before or after the client is installed.

For details about the dcmamtin command, see (2) dcmamtin.exe (initialize AMT's nonvolatile memory).

Once initialization of this area is complete, the host ID is saved to AMT's nonvolatile memory at one of the following times.

If the client has not been installed:
The host ID is saved to nonvolatile memory when it is generated during installation of the client.

If the client has been installed:
The host ID that has already been generated is saved in nonvolatile memory when the client communicates with the higher system. If no host ID has been created, the host ID is saved in nonvolatile memory when it is created.

Once the host ID has been stored, it can be restored if the client is re-installed. If, for some reason, the host ID is not restored, see 6.4.2(5) AMT Linkage does not operate correctly in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 2.

If the host ID cannot be restored from AMT's nonvolatile memory when the client is re-installed, the host ID is regenerated by the client. If this occurs, the host ID in AMT's nonvolatile memory is overwritten when a client service starts.

(2) dcmamtin.exe (initialize AMT's nonvolatile memory)

This subsection describes the dcmamtin command. You can use this command in an environment in which AMT Linkage of JP1/Software Distribution Manager or JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) is installed.

This command initializes an area in AMT's nonvolatile memory on a client for the purpose of storing the client's host ID.

dcmamtin.exe    {/f system-configuration-information-file |
                 /H host-name | /I IP-address}

Specify the full path of the system configuration information file. In this case, the command is then executed for all clients described in the system information configuration file.
Specify this argument when you want to initialize AMT's nonvolatile memory for multiple clients.
For details about the system configuration information file, see 8.1.4(3) Saving the system configuration information to a file in the Setup Guide.
Specify the client's host name, using no more than 64 characters.
Specify the client's IP address.

Return codes
The following table describes the codes returned when the dcmamtin command executes.
Code Meaning Action to take
0 Initialization of AMT's nonvolatile memory succeeded at all execution targets. None
1 The system configuration file could not be opened, or the syntax in the file is invalid. Check the path to, and the syntax in, the system configuration information file.
2 A command argument is invalid. Check the command arguments.
12 An error other than the above occurred. A system error occurred. Check the execution environment of the command.
30 Initialization of AMT's nonvolatile memory failed for at least one client. Check the log file to determine the cause and action to take.#
  • The settings for the AMT management user might not match. Make sure the AMT management user name and password are set in the target clients.
  • Make sure that Small Business is specified as the AMT Provision model.
  • A targeted PC might not support AMT, or might not be recognized in the network.
31 Initialization of AMT nonvolatile memory failed for all clients.
  • Check the log file to determine the cause and the action to take.#
  • The user name and password specified during setup for the AMT management user might be incorrect. Try resetting this information.
  • Make sure that Small Business is specified as the AMT Provision model.
  • The targeted PCs might not support AMT, or might not be recognized in the network.

#: For details about the dcmamtin command, see 6.3.1(5) Checking the AMT Linkage log in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 2.

Execution example
In the following example, the dcmamtin command initializes AMT's nonvolatile memory:
dcmamtin.exe /f "D:\Program Files\Hitachi\NETMDM\DMPRM\NETM.NDD"