Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


6.5.2 Client polling method

A client receives a job from the managing server and executes the job. A client can receive a job from the managing server only while the client is active. If a communication error occurs or if the client is not active, the client cannot receive jobs from the higher system. In such a case, the client can still monitor whether there are jobs addressed to it. Monitoring for jobs from a higher system is called polling.

You can specify the polling timing and execution interval when you set up JP1/Software Distribution Client (client). The available polling methods are listed below. Select the polling method that is appropriate for the manner in which the client operates.

Note that the default polling method depends on the network environment that is specified during installation of JP1/Software Distribution Client (client).

When JP1/Software Distribution is used in a WAN environment, Polling only once at system startup is set as the default. To reduce the volume of unnecessary data transmissions in a low-speed WAN environment, select No polling.

When JP1/Software Distribution is used in a LAN environment, Polling at a specified interval starting at system startup is set as the default and the interval is set to 30 minutes. Set the polling interval and timing so that they do not place an unnecessary load on the network.