Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide
By executing a Report message job, you can send a message to the client at the job destination. You can specify any content for the message. This facility is useful for sending a warning message to a client that has poor security measures or for sending system maintenance information to all clients at once.
The following figure shows the concept of sending messages to clients.
Figure 2-39 Concept of sending messages to clients
For details about how to send messages to clients, see 7.5 Sending messages to clients in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.
This section explains for each of the elements comprising a JP1/Software Distribution system the programs required to send messages to clients.
The following table lists the programs required to send text messages to clients.
Table 2-33 Programs required to send text messages to clients
System configuration element | Required program |
Central manager that will execute jobs | JP1/Software Distribution Manager 07-50 or later (relational database version) for Windows |
System for relaying jobs | JP1/Software Distribution Manager 07-50 or later for Windows, JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) 08-00 or later for Windows, JP1/Software Distribution SubManager 07-50 or later for Windows, JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) 09-00 or later for UNIX, or JP1/Software Distribution SubManager 07-50 or later for UNIX |
Client that will receive messages | JP1/Software Distribution SubManager 07-50 or later for Windows, JP1/Software Distribution Client 07-50 or later for Windows, or JP1/Software Distribution Client 09-00 or later for UNIX |
The following table lists the programs required to send HTML messages to clients.
Table 2-34 Programs required to send HTML messages to clients
System configuration element | Required program |
Central manager that will execute jobs | JP1/Software Distribution Manager 08-10 or later for Windows |
System for relaying jobs | JP1/Software Distribution Manager 07-50 or later for Windows JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) 08-00 or later for Windows, JP1/Software Distribution SubManager 07-50 or later for Windows,JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) 08-00 or later for UNIX or JP1/Software Distribution SubManager 07-50 or later for UNIX |
Client that will receive messages | JP1/Software Distribution Manager (relay manager) 08-10 or later for Windows or JP1/Software Distribution Client 08-10 or later for Windows |
If you send an HTML message to a client running version 08-00 or earlier, the HTML tags will appear as text character strings. For this reason, you cannot send HTML messages to notify such clients.
In a security management system on which JP1/Client Security Control has been installed, you can use JP1/Software Distribution's Report message job to send messages to clients from the management server at which JP1/Client Security Control is installed.
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