Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


5.2.5 System configuration when using AMT

To use AMT Linkage functionality, Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5 must be installed, and a computer that supports AMT must be used as the client.

The following figure shows a system configuration in which AMT is used from JP1/Software Distribution.

Figure 5-12 System configuration when AMT is used


Note that you do not need to install AMT Linkage on the same computer as the Server core facility; you can install it on the computer on which Remote Installation Manager is installed.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Settings required before JP1/Software Distribution is installed
(2) Notes on system configurations that use AMT Linkage

(1) Settings required before JP1/Software Distribution is installed

Before you install AMT Linkage, on the client you must specify settings for AMT. The following describes how to set up AMT.

To set up AMT:

  1. Enable the AMT functionality.
  2. Specify Small Business as the Provision model.
  3. Perform the AMT network and other settings.

Note that you cannot specify Enterprise as the AMT Provision model.

(2) Notes on system configurations that use AMT Linkage