Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide
In a system in which JP1/Software Distribution links with WSUS, only one WSUS can be linked. If there are multiple WSUS servers, you must link your JP1/Software Distribution to only one of them. If the WSUS servers are configured in a hierarchy, link your JP1/Software Distribution with the WSUS server at the top of the hierarchy.
To synchronize the WSUS server linked to JP1/Software Distribution with lower WSUS servers, you use a command provided by JP1/Software Distribution.
To link JP1/Software Distribution to WSUS, you must install WSUS Linkage, which is a JP1/Software Distribution component, on all WSUS servers within the system. For details about how to install WSUS Linkage, see 2.4 Installing JP1/Software Distribution on a WSUS server in the Setup Guide.
The following figure shows the configuration of a JP1/Software Distribution system when WSUS is linked.
Figure 5-11 Configuration of a JP1/Software Distribution system when WSUS is linked
You can install JP1/Software Distribution and WSUS on the same computer. In this case, for JP1/Software Distribution and WSUS to use different versions of Microsoft SQL Server, one of the Microsoft SQL Server versions must be on a separate computer.
Note, however, that when you install JP1/Software Distribution in a 64-bit version of the OS, you cannot use the WSUS that is installed on the same computer. In this case, use a WSUS configured on a computer that is running a 32-bit version of the OS.
After you have finished configuring an environment to be linked to WSUS, in the settings of the managing server you must specify the URL of WSUS Linkage to which you plan to connect. For details about how to specify the URL, see 4.2.17 WSUS Linkage page in the Setup Guide.
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