Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


5.2.3 System configuration in an Internet environment

By using Internet Options, you can easily install JP1/Software Distribution in an environment in which nodes are connected via the Internet. Internet Options is the generic name for facilities consisting of JP1/Software Distribution Internet Gateway and JP1/Software Distribution HTTP Gateway.

When JP1/Software Distribution Internet Gateway and JP1/Software Distribution HTTP Gateway are installed between JP1/Software Distribution nodes that are connected via the Internet, the communications protocol between these nodes is converted from the JP1/Software Distribution protocol to HTTP. Therefore, in a Web-enabled system environment, you can avoid complex settings. For details about the Internet Options, see E. Using Internet Options to Install JP1/Software Distribution in the Setup Guide.

The following figure shows an overview of a system configuration using the Internet Options.

Figure 5-10 Overview of a system configuration using the Internet Options
