Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


Appendix D. Notes on Running HiRDB Around the Clock

This appendix explains the procedures for and provides notes about running HiRDB continuously around the clock. The following lists these procedures and notes:

  1. System reconfiguration command (pdchgconf command)
  2. Specifying HiRDB system definitions
  3. Making backups
  4. Reorganizing databases
  5. Reusing used free pages and free space within pages
  6. Expanding RDAREAs
  7. Dynamic updating of global buffers
  8. Deleting troubleshooting information
  9. System switchover facility
  10. Program maintenance facility (upgrade to update version)
  11. Recovery-unnecessary front-end server (HiRDB parallel server configurations only)
Organization of this section
D.1 System reconfiguration command (pdchgconf command)
D.2 Specifying HiRDB system definitions
D.3 Making backups
D.4 Reorganizing databases
D.5 Reusing used free pages and free space within pages
D.6 Expanding RDAREAs
D.7 Dynamic updating of global buffers
D.8 Deleting troubleshooting information
D.9 System switchover facility
D.10 Program maintenance facility (upgrade to update version)
D.11 Recovery-unnecessary front-end server (HiRDB parallel server configurations only)