Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


Appendix D.1 System reconfiguration command (pdchgconf command)

It is usually necessary to terminate HiRDB in order to modify a HiRDB system definition (other than a UAP environment definition). However, by using the system reconfiguration command, you can modify HiRDB system definitions while HiRDB is still active. The actions listed below can be executed while HiRDB is active:

The system reconfiguration command is very convenient in the case of a system that runs around the clock without interruption. For details about using this command, see the following references:

Note that HiRDB Advanced High Availability must be installed in order to use the system reconfiguration command.

Depending on the operating status of HiRDB, it might not be possible to execute the pdchgconf command. For details, see the description of the pdchgconf command in the manual HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference.