Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


9.2 Modifying HiRDB system definitions while HiRDB is running (system reconfiguration command)

Executor: HiRDB administrator

This section explains how to modify HiRDB system definitions with the system reconfiguration command (pdchgconf command). The system reconfiguration command enables you to modify HiRDB system definitions while HiRDB is running, which eliminates the need to terminate HiRDB normally. To use this command, however, HiRDB Advanced High Availability must be installed.

Organization of this section
9.2.1 Modification procedure
9.2.2 Notes on changing operand specification values
9.2.3 Notes on executing the system reconfiguration command
9.2.4 HiRDB status after the system reconfiguration command has executed
9.2.5 Relationship with other facilities
9.2.6 Actions to take when an error occurs