Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


9.1 Modifying HiRDB system definitions

Executor: HiRDB administrator

This section explains how to modify HiRDB system definitions (other than UAP environment definitions; for details about modifying UAP environment definitions, see the manual HiRDB Version 9 System Definition).

Organization of this section
(1) Modification procedure
(2) Notes
(3) Notes on the HiRDB parallel server configuration
(4) When linked to HiRDB Datareplicator

(1) Modification procedure

To modify the HiRDB execution environment, you must modify HiRDB system definitions. The following shows the procedure used to modify HiRDB system definitions. In this procedure, $PDDIR/conf indicates the directory that stores the unit control information definition file, while $PDCONFPATH indicates the directory that stores all other HiRDB system definition files.

  1. Create subdirectories in the $PDDIR/conf and $PDCONFPATH directories. For this example, the subdirectories are named work.
  2. Copy the unit control information definition file into the $PDDIR/conf/work directory. Copy the other HiRDB system definition files into the $PDCONFPATH/work directory.
  3. Modify the HiRDB system definitions that you copied into the $PDDIR/conf/work and $PDCONFPATH/work directories.
  4. Use the pdconfchk -d work command to check the HiRDB system definitions in the $PDDIR/conf/work and $PDCONFPATH/work directories. If errors are detected, correct each erroneous HiRDB system definition, and then execute the pdconfchk command again.
  5. Use the pdstop command to terminate HiRDB normally.
  6. Use the pdlogunld command to unload any system log files that are in unload wait status.
  7. Copy any HiRDB system definitions files that you modified in step 3 into the $PDDIR/conf or $PDCONFPATH directory, replacing the current HiRDB system definition files.
  8. If you changed the value specified in either of the following operands, use the pdloginit command to initialize the system log files:
    [Figure] pd_log_dual
    [Figure] pdstart
  9. Use the pdstart command to start HiRDB normally.

(2) Notes

  1. In the case of a HiRDB parallel server configuration, you must create subdirectories in the $PDDIR/conf and $PDCONFPATH directories in each unit and check the HiRDB system definitions in all of the units.
  2. HiRDB system definitions that are being used by HiRDB must not be modified during operation. If modifications or deletions are made in such a situation, operation of the HiRDB cannot be guaranteed.
  3. When HiRDB is terminated with planned, forced, or abnormal termination, some of the HiRDB system definition operands cannot be modified; for the operands that cannot be modified, see the manual HiRDB Version 9 System Definition.
  4. After you have modified the HiRDB system definitions, back up the files in the $PDDIR/conf directory. To be prepared for the possibility of an error on the disk storing the HiRDB directory, you must back up the files in the HiRDB directory (files in $PDDIR/conf). You will need such a backup to recover the HiRDB directory if an error does occur. If the $PDCONFPATH directory is also in the HiRDB directory, back it up as well.
  5. If you use the system reconfiguration command (pdchgconf command), you do not need to terminate HiRDB normally, because the pdchgconf command enables you to change HiRDB system definitions while HiRDB is running. Note that HiRDB Advanced High Availability is required in order to use this command. For details about changing HiRDB system definitions while HiRDB is running, see 9.2 Modifying HiRDB system definitions while HiRDB is running (system reconfiguration command).
  6. If you are using the standby-less system switchover facility, do not modify HiRDB system definitions in the normal BES unit until you have used the pdstop -u command to terminate normally both the normal BES unit and the alternate BES unit. After you have modified HiRDB system definitions, copy the unit control information definition file and the back-end server definition files from the normal BES unit to the alternate BES unit. For details, see 26.4.3(3)(a) Configuring HiRDB system definition files.

(3) Notes on the HiRDB parallel server configuration

  1. When a system common definition is modified, the same changes must be made in the system common definition at every server machine.
  2. If any unit terminates abnormally during normal or planned termination processing, no HiRDB system definition modifications should be made before the next startup. If modifications are made, HiRDB startup will probably fail (if HiRDB does start, it will not operate correctly).

(4) When linked to HiRDB Datareplicator

Before any of the following operands are added, modified, or deleted, HiRDB Datareplicator must be terminated:

HiRDB Datareplicator can be started again after the changes have been made. If these operands are added, modified, or deleted while HiRDB Datareplicator is running, data extraction by HiRDB Datareplicator might fail.