Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


Appendix D.7 Dynamic updating of global buffers

We recommend that you install HiRDB Advanced High Availability and specifying Y in the pd_dbbuff_modify operand. This makes it possible to add, modify, and delete global buffers while HiRDB is active. This capability is called dynamic updating of global buffers. You should use dynamic updating of global buffers in the following situations:

Once HiRDB has terminated, you must change the value specified in the pdbuffer operand, because dynamically modified global buffer information becomes invalid when normal termination or planned termination occurs. However, if you use the system reconfiguration command (pdchgconf command), you can change the value specified in the pdbuffer operand while HiRDB is running.

For details about dynamic updating of global buffers, see 9.3 Adding, modifying, and deleting global buffers while HiRDB is running (dynamic updating of global buffers). For details about using the system reconfiguration command, see 9.2 Modifying HiRDB system definitions while HiRDB is running (system reconfiguration command).