スケーラブルデータベースサーバ HiRDB Version 8 システム運用ガイド(UNIX(R)用)


26.8.5 環境設定ファイルの作成

VERITAS Cluster Serverの環境設定ファイル(/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf)を作成してグル−プ及びリソースの設定を指定してください。

(1) リソース属性の設定値
(2) 環境設定ファイルの例(IPアドレスを引き継ぐ場合)
(3) 環境設定ファイルの例(IPアドレスを引き継がない場合)

(1) リソース属性の設定値

リソースの属性に指定する値を次の表に示します。各項目の詳細については,VERITAS Cluster Serverのマニュアルを参照してください。

表26-21 リソースの属性に設定する値

リソース 属性 指定する値
HiRDB_xタイプリソース Critical 0を指定します。
PdDir HiRDB運用ディレクトリ名($PDDIR)を指定します。
PdConfPath HiRDBシステム定義ファイル格納ディレクトリ名($PDCONFPATH)を指定します。
Ld_Library_Path HiRDBのライブラリ格納ディレクトリ名($LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $PDDIR/lib)を指定します。
DummyFilePath ダミーファイル名($PDDIR/.pdveritas)を指定します(モニタモード限定)。
DiskGroupタイプリソース DiskGroup HiRDBが共有ディスクとして使用するVERITAS Volume Managerのディスクグループ名を指定します。
IPタイプリソース Device HiRDBが使用する論理IPアドレスに関連付けられているNICのデバイス名を指定します。
Address HiRDBが使用する論理IPアドレスを指定します。
NICタイプリソース Device HiRDBが使用するネットワークに接続されているNICのデバイス名を指定します。
NetworkHosts HiRDBが使用するネットワーク上のホストのIPアドレスを指定します。必須属性ではありません。

(2) 環境設定ファイルの例(IPアドレスを引き継ぐ場合)

include "types.cf"
include "HiRDB_STypes.cf"
cluster vcs (
      UserNames = { vcsadm = cDi1yyJLOgPWY }
      CounterInterval = 5
      Factor = { runque = 5, memory = 1, disk = 10, cpu = 25, network = 5 }
      MaxFactor = { runque = 100, memory = 10, disk = 100, cpu = 100, network = 100 }
system mainhost
system reservedhost
snmp vcs (
        TrapList = { 1 = "A new system has joined the VCS Cluster",
                 2 = "An existing system has changed its state",
                 3 = "A service group has changed its state",
                 4 = "One or more heartbeat links has gone down",
                 5 = "An HA service has done a manual restart",
                 6 = "An HA service has been manually idled",
                 7 = "An HA service has been successfully started" }
group gr1 (
        SystemList = { mainhost, reservedhost }
        AutoStartList = { mainhost }
        HiRDB_S gr1_HiRDB_S_UNT1 (
                Critical = 0
                PdDir = "/hirdb/pddir_s"
                PdConfPath = "/hirdb/pddir_s/conf"
                Ld_Library_Path = "/hirdb/pddir_s/lib"
                DummyFilePath = "/hirdb/pddir_s/.pdveritas"
        DiskGroup gr1_DiskGroup_sharedg1 (
                DiskGroup = sharedg1
        IP gr1_IP_logicalhost (
                Device = hme0
                Address = ""
        NIC gr1_NIC_hme0 (
                Device = hme0
                NetworkHosts = { "" }
        gr1_HiRDB_S_UNT1 requires gr1_DiskGroup_sharedg1
        gr1_DiskGroup_sharedg1 requires gr1_IP_logicalhost
        gr1_IP_logicalhost requires gr1_NIC_hme0

(3) 環境設定ファイルの例(IPアドレスを引き継がない場合)

include "types.cf"
include "HiRDB_STypes.cf"
cluster vcs (
      UserNames = { vcsadm = cDi1yyJLOgPWY }
      CounterInterval = 5
      Factor = { runque = 5, memory = 1, disk = 10, cpu = 25, network = 5 }
      MaxFactor = { runque = 100, memory = 10, disk = 100, cpu = 100, network = 100 }
system mainhost
system reservedhost
snmp vcs (
        TrapList = { 1 = "A new system has joined the VCS Cluster",
                 2 = "An existing system has changed its state",
                 3 = "A service group has changed its state",
                 4 = "One or more heartbeat links has gone down",
                 5 = "An HA service has done a manual restart",
                 6 = "An HA service has been manually idled",
                 7 = "An HA service has been successfully started" }
group gr1 (
        SystemList = { mainhost, reservedhost }
        AutoStartList = { mainhost }
        HiRDB_S gr1_HiRDB_S_UNT1 (
                Critical = 0
                PdDir = "/hirdb/pddir_s"
                PdConfPath = "/hirdb/pddir_s/conf"
                Ld_Library_Path = "/hirdb/pddir_s/lib"
                DummyFilePath = "/hirdb/pddir_s/.pdveritas"
        DiskGroup gr1_DiskGroup_sharedg1 (
                DiskGroup = sharedg1
        NIC gr1_NIC_hme0 (
                Device = hme0
                NetworkHosts = { "" }
        gr1_HiRDB_S_UNT1 requires gr1_DiskGroup_sharedg1
        gr1_DiskGroup_sharedg1 requires gr1_NIC_hme0