OpenTP1 Version 7

TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/J



Summary of amendments

1. Overview
1.1 Features of the client
1.2 Mechanism of TP1/Client/J operation
1.3 Environment of TP1/Client/J
1.3.1 Installation
1.3.2 Development environment
1.3.3 Execution environment

2. Functionality
2.1 Permanent connection
2.1.1 Establishing and releasing a permanent connection
2.1.2 Definitions related to the use of a permanent connection
2.1.3 Note about using a permanent connection
2.2 Remote procedure calls
2.2.1 Implementing RPCs
2.2.2 Data transfer with an RPC
2.2.3 RPC modes
2.2.4 Scheduling facility
2.2.5 Inter-node load-balancing facility
2.2.6 Time monitoring of RPCs
2.2.7 RPCs that use the remote API facility
2.2.8 RPCs that use the scheduler direct facility
2.2.9 RPCs that use the name service
2.2.10 RPCs with a communication destination specified
2.2.11 Reduction of server workload in the event of synchronous-response RPC timeout
2.2.12 Use of ServerSocket for RPCs
2.2.13 RPCs using the multi-scheduler facility
2.3 Transaction control
2.3.1 Start and synchronization point acquisition of transactions
2.3.2 Synchronization point acquisition
2.3.3 Relationship between mode of remote procedure calls and synchronization point
2.3.4 Acquiring the current transaction identifiers
2.3.5 Reporting information about the current transaction
2.3.6 Verifying the transaction synchronization point in the event of an error
2.3.7 Definitions for TP1/Server
2.4 TCP/IP communication facility
2.4.1 Unidirectional sending of messages
2.4.2 Unidirectional receiving of messages
2.4.3 Bidirectional sending and receiving of messages
2.4.4 Received message assembly facility
2.4.5 Notes about using the TCP/IP communication facility
2.5 Unidirectional server message reception facility
2.5.1 Flow of unidirectional message reception facility processing
2.5.2 Flow of unidirectional message consecutive reception facility processing
2.5.3 Notes about using the unidirectional message consecutive reception facility
2.5.4 Releasing the unidirectional message reception wait status
2.6 TP1/Web connection facility
2.6.1 Connecting to TP1/Web (starting a session)
2.6.2 Service requests to TP1/Web
2.6.3 Releasing a connection to TP1/Web (ending a session)
2.6.4 RPC facilities for connecting to TP1/Web
2.7 Dynamic definition changing facility
2.8 Facility for monitoring TCP/IP connection establishment
2.8.1 API that uses the connect method internally
2.8.2 Exceptions that occur when the connect method times out
2.9 DCCM3 connection facility
2.9.1 Issuing an ROC to DCCM3
2.9.2 TCP/IP communication with DCCM3
2.9.3 Sending terminal identification information to a DCCM3 logical terminal
2.10 XA resource service facility
2.11 Troubleshooting facility
2.11.1 Contents of trace files
2.11.2 UAP trace
2.11.3 Data trace
2.11.4 Error trace and memory trace
2.11.5 Method trace
2.11.6 Debug trace
2.11.7 Performance analysis trace
2.12 Data compression facility
2.12.1 Effects of the data compression facility
2.12.2 Notes about using the data compression facility
2.13 Source host specification facility
2.14 Receive port fixing facility

3. Program Interface
3.1 List of APIs
3.2 How to use APIs
3.2.1 Execution order of APIs
3.2.2 Adjustment during TP1/Client/J execution
3.2.3 Collecting error information and adjusting facilities
3.2.4 Instructing trace output

4. Classes Used with TP1/Client/J
Class TP1Client
Class DCRpcBindTbl
Class ErrAcceptCanceledException
Class ErrBufferOverflowException
Class ErrCollisionMessageException
Class ErrClientTimedOutException
Class ErrConnfreeException
Class ErrConnRefusedException
Class ErrFatalException
Class ErrHazardException
Class ErrHazardNoBeginException
Class ErrHeuristicException
Class ErrHeuristicNoBeginException
Class ErrHostUndefException
Class ErrInitializingException
Class ErrInvalidArgsException
Class ErrInvalidMessageException
Class ErrInvalidPortException
Class ErrInvalidReplyException
Class ErrIOErrException
Class ErrMessageTooBigException
Class ErrNetDownAtClientException
Class ErrNetDownAtServerException
Class ErrNetDownException
Class ErrNoBeginException
Class ErrNoBufsAtServerException
Class ErrNoBufsException
Class ErrNoSuchServiceException
Class ErrNoSuchServiceGroupException
Class ErrNotTrnExtendException
Class ErrNotUpException
Class ErrProtoException
Class ErrReplyTooBigException
Class ErrRMException
Class ErrRollbackException
Class ErrRollbackNoBeginException
Class ErrSecchkException
Class ErrSecurityException
Class ErrServerBusyException
Class ErrServerTimedOutException
Class ErrServiceClosedException
Class ErrServiceNotUpException
Class ErrServiceTerminatedException
Class ErrServiceTerminatingException
Class ErrSyserrAtServerException
Class ErrSyserrException
Class ErrTestmodeException
Class ErrTimedOutException
Class ErrTMException
Class ErrTrnchkException
Class ErrTrnchkExtendException
Class ErrVersionException
Class TP1ClientException

5. Definitions
5.1 Overview of definitions
5.1.1 List of TP1/Client/J environment definitions
5.1.2 Rules for definitions
5.1.3 Format of path names
5.2 Details of TP1/Client/J environment definitions
5.2.1 Format
5.2.2 Operands
5.2.3 Notes about specifying the TP1/Client/J environment definition

6. Error Handling
6.1 Collecting trace information
6.2 Handling network errors
6.3 Validity of timer values
6.4 Handling other errors

A. Changes During Upgrading
A.1 Changes in 07-02
A.2 Changes in 07-01
A.3 Changes in 07-00
