OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/J


2.4.3 Bidirectional sending and receiving of messages

Messages can be bidirectionally sent and received between a CUP and an MHP.

The CUP executes a cltSend method to send messages to an MHP, and the CUP executes a cltReceive method to receive messages from an MHP.

To enable bidirectional sending and receiving of messages, you must preset the following specifications in the TP1/Client/J environment definition:

When MHP is a server
  • Specify in the dcsndhost operand the host name of the node that contains the MHP.
  • Specify in the dcsndport operand the port number of the MHP (port number specified in the portno operand of the mcftalccn definition command in the MCF communication configuration definition).
  • Specify DCCLT_SNDRCV in the dcsndrcvtype operand.

When MHP is a client
  • Specify in the dcrcvport operand the port number of the CUP (port number specified in the oportno operand in the mcftalccn definition command in the MCF communication configuration definition).
  • Specify DCCLT_SNDRCV in the dcsndrcvtype operand.

Although unidirectional sending of messages and unidirectional receiving of messages can be used to send and receive messages by operating over separate connections, bidirectional sending and receiving of messages sends and receives messages using the same connection.

The following figure shows bidirectional sending and receiving of messages.

Figure 2-21 Bidirectional sending and receiving of messages
