OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/J


2.2.10 RPCs with a communication destination specified

An RPC with a communication destination specified enables you to specify explicitly the server that is to execute the service request (target OpenTP1 node).

When an RPC with a communication destination specified is used, a service request is executed at the target OpenTP1 node specified as the server that executes the service request. The service request will not be transferred to any other OpenTP1 node even if the specified OpenTP1 node is inactive or shut down. You cannot use the inter-node load-balancing facility with this type of RPC.

To use an RPC with a communication destination specified, call the rpcCallTo method. The rpcCallTo method executes the service request directly on the TP1/Server schedule service under the host name that is contained in the DCRpcBindTbl object.

Note that you cannot use this facility together with an RPC that uses the remote API facility.

The following figure shows the flow of a service request when an RPC with a communication destination specified is used.

Figure 2-9 Flow of a service request when an RPC with a communication destination specified is used


  1. Create an instance of the TP1Client class that is provided by TP1/Client/J.
  2. Call the rpcOpen method to initialize the RPC environment of the CUP.
  3. Call the rpcCallTo method and issue a service request to the specified SPP via the TP1/Server's SCD server.
    The service request is processed by the SPP in the same node, regardless of the status of the SPP at the communication destination.
    You can call the rpcCallTo method as many times as necessary until the rpcClose method is called after the rpcOpen method.
  4. Call the rpcClose method to release the RPC environment.

When you use this facility, you cannot issue an RPC to an SPP that receives requests from a socket. Furthermore, when you use this facility with the dccltrpcmaxmsgsize operand specified in the TP1/Client/J environment definition, an error may occur at the communication destination TP1/Server node.