
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

17.2 Acquiring error information

For troubleshooting information, view the log file located under Asset-Console-installation-folder\log.

When you contact Hitachi regarding an error in Asset Console, execute the batch file provided with the product and provide the error information collected by the batch operation.

The procedure for executing the batch file to collect error information is described below. Obtain the error information on the machine where the asset management server is running. When executing an Asset Console command, you must execute it using the 32-bit command prompt. For the execution procedure, see Appendix G. Notes on Executing Asset Console Commands and Tasks.

  1. Log in to the asset management server as a user with administrator permissions.

  2. Execute ASTTRBL.BAT.

    ASTTRBL.BAT is stored in the following folder:


    The error information available at that point is output to the specified destination folder.

Format of the error information acquisition batch file (ASTTRBL.BAT)

The format of ASTTRBL.BAT is as follows:

ASTTRBL.BAT "output-destination-folder-name"

Specifies the full or relative path of the folder to which the acquired error information is to be output. Specification of an output destination folder name is mandatory.


Asset-Console-installation-folder\log folder cannot be specified as the output-destination folder.