
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

G. Notes on Executing Asset Console Commands and Tasks

To execute Asset Console commands and tasks in a 64-bit OS, follow the procedure described below.

  1. Execute the following command:


    The 32-bit mode command prompt appears.

  2. At the 32-bit mode command prompt, execute Asset Console's batch operation or VBScript.

  1. Register the task in the following format:

    %windir%\syswow64\cmd.exe /c "program-to-be-executed"

    Specification examples follow:

    %windir%\syswow64\cmd.exe /c "cscript.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\HITACHI\jp1asset\exe\jamSoftwareAddUp.vbs" GENERATION=1"