
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

15.1.2 Example of creating a Problem Report Form

This subsection explains how to create Items, using as an example the Problem Report Form that is provided by Asset Console.

When you actually use a Problem Report Form, you will have to change the Item's status to Exhibit. For details about how to change the status of an Item, see 12.4.6 Definition example of Item window.

The following figure shows the processing flow and status transitions of a Problem Report Form.

Figure 15‒2: Processing flow and status transitions of a Problem Report Form


A Problem Report Form can be used to execute a series of operations when a problem occurs in an asset, from applying for, requesting, and implementing corrective measures, through confirming that the measures resolved the problem.

The subsections below describe how each worker operates the Item window. Each subsection title displays in parentheses the person or group responsible for that work.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Application for problem resolution measures (applicant)

This is the person who is first contacted when a problem occurs and who applies for corrective measures. Fields marked with a star ([Figure]) are mandatory, and other fields are entered as necessary.

The following figure shows how to specify each field on the applicant's Problem Report Form.

Figure 15‒3: Problem Report Form at time of application (applicant)


(2) Receiving the problem (Problem Reception Desk)

This person checks the contents of the application submitted on the Problem Report Form and requests resolution measures. The fields that can be edited at this time are Problem number, Importance, Notes, and Reason for rejection. Fields marked with a star ([Figure]) are mandatory.

The following figure shows how to specify each field on the problem acceptance desk's Problem Report Form.

Figure 15‒4: Problem Report Form at time of request (Problem Reception Desk)


(3) Problem resolution measures (Problem Resolution Desk)

Once the problem has been resolved, the applicant is notified of the resolution. The fields that can be edited at this time are Solver name, Solver group, Solved date, Expense, Overview of solution, Importance, and Notes. Fields marked with a star ([Figure]) are mandatory.

The following figure shows how to specify each field on the problem resolution group's Problem Report Form.

Figure 15‒5: Problem Report Form when resolution has been completed (Problem Resolution Desk)


(4) Confirming the resolution results (applicant)

Completion of application of the corrective measures should be confirmed. Once the applicant confirms that the corrective measures have been implemented successfully, the Item's processing is complete. The following figure shows the Problem Report Form used by the applicant for confirmation.

Figure 15‒6: Problem Report Form when confirming (applicant)


The applicant can check the contents of the Item but cannot edit any of the fields. If there is a problem with the corrective measures, a new Item must be created.

The applicant browses and confirms the contents of the Item.