
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

15.1 Creating Items (New Item)

This section explains how to create new Items and make an application.

New Items are created from the New Item window, which is displayed by clicking the New Item job menu. The following figure shows the New Item window.

Figure 15‒1: New Item window


The Items that can be used are displayed on the New Item window in different tabs according to Item category.

By default, the following sample Items are provided: Problem Report Form, Equipment Deployment Request Form, and Equipment Order Request Form. If an Item's status is changed to Exhibit, it is displayed in the Template tab and becomes available for use.

The following table describes the purposes of Items and their official authorities (users authorized to use each Item).

Table 15‒1: Purposes of using Items and official authorities



Official authority

Problem Report Form

Request resolution when a problem occurs with an asset.

Problem receiver

Problem solver

Equipment Deployment Request Form

Request deployment when equipment is to be newly deployed.

Approval user

Receiver user

Distribution user

Equipment Order Request Form

Issuance of a purchase order when the equipment required to fulfill a deployment request is not in stock.

Order user


Operational efficiency is enhanced when Items such as these are used as templates that can be edited to define new Items. For details about how to edit the provided sample Items and define official authorities, see 12.7 Changing registered Items or 12.2 Defining authority for processing the Item (Official Authority).

If there are no exhibit Items and no Items that can be created under the official authority assigned to the logged-in user, There are no usable items is displayed in the New Item window.

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