
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

7.2.4 Software Conditions page

On this page, specify conditions for the target software or update program for remote installation. You can specify a maximum of 100 conditions. You can also select a judging method when multiple conditions are specified.

You can specify the following two items for conditions:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Target

In this area, enter the software name or the document number of the update program to be used as a condition.

Remote installation targets software that exactly matches the specified software name. You can enter a maximum of 2,048 bytes of characters for Software name.

You can also specify a version as part of the document number of an update program. For example, if remote installation targets an update program with document number KB2536276 and version v2, enter KB2536276-v2.

(2) Conditions

In this area, specify whether the target software or update program has already been installed, as well as version conditions.


Performs a remote installation only if the target software or update program does not exist on the installation target computer.


Performs a remote installation only if the target software or update program already exists on the installation target computer. Specify the conditions for the target software by entering appropriate values for Comparison and Version.


In this drop-down list, select an appropriate operator according to the specified version.

For example, if you select <, any software or update programs whose version is older than the specified version are remotely installed on the installation target computer.


Enter the version to be compared.

The following explains how the specified version is compared when a software name is specified for Target:

If you specify a software name for Target, the value specified for Version is evaluated by splitting it into a major version, minor version, revision, and build. You can use a period (.), comma (,), or hyphen (-) to separate each version component. For example, if you enter for Version, it means that the major version is 12, the minor version is 0, the revision is 6, and the build is 100. The value specified for Version is compared with the version of each software program installed on the target computer, according to each component of the specified version.

Note also that versions are compared by using a string where the number of digits is adjusted with zeros (0). For example, the specified conditions are regarded as met in the following situation:

Operator specified in the Comparison drop-down list: =

Value specified for Version: 0100

Version of the software installed on the target computer: 100


If the specified software is a JP1 product and the specified version is in Hitachi PP format, the software version is a character comparison from the beginning without supplementing the number obtained with "0".

Specifiable characters (being compared) are prioritized as follows: single-byte alphabetic characters (A to Z) > single-byte numbers (0 to 9) > forward slashes (/) > single-byte spaces.

The JP1 product are those described as follows:

  • The beginning of the software name is one of "JP1/ (excluding JP1/TELstaff)", "Performance Management - ", "Network Node Manager i", "Navigation Platform - ", "SNMP System Observer", or "Extensible SNMP Agent".

While the Hitachi PP format version are described as follows:

  • A 4- to 6-character string in the VVRRSS format.

  • VVRR is a half-width number.

  • SS is single-byte alphanumeric characters. (Slashes only allowed at the beginning of SS)

For example, if "1200", "120003", "1100/A", "1050A", "1200SA", "1200A", etc. are specified, it is classified as Hitachi PP format.

(3) Judgment of multiple conditions

Select a judging method when multiple conditions are specified. The default is Meets one of the conditions.