
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

7.2.5 Package Conditions page

On this page, specify conditions for the target package for remote installation. You can specify multiple conditions. You can also select a judging method when multiple conditions are specified.

You can specify either of the following conditions:

Because the specified conditions are evaluated immediately before installation, the package is downloaded to the managed computers, regardless of whether the specified conditions are met.

Figure 7‒10: Package Conditions page


Organization of this subsection

(1) Package conditions

In this area, create a conditional expression for the target package for remote installation. If you specify conditions, and then click the Add button, a conditional expression is displayed and enabled in the list.

(a) Package name/package ID

In this area, select whether to specify the target package as a package name or package ID. The default is Package name.

Then, specify a package name or package ID in the lower text box. You can also select a package name or package ID from the list. You can only specify a package name (or package ID) of a package remotely installed with JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 or a software package collected by a Get software information from computer (UNIX) job. You cannot use wildcard characters.

(b) Conditions

In this area, specify conditions such as the version, and whether the package has been installed.


Performs a remote installation only if the specified package does not exist on the installation target computer.


Performs a remote installation only if the specified package exists on the installation target computer. Specify the conditions for the target package by entering appropriate values for Comparison, Version, and Generation.


In this drop-down list, select an appropriate operator according to the version and generation number to be specified next. For example, if you select <, remote installation is performed if any package whose version is older than the version to be specified next exists on the installation target computer.


Select or enter the version to be compared.


Select or enter the generation number to be compared. If there is no generation number, no setting is required.

For example, if you specify the condition PROGRAM<0200, remote installation is performed on computers that contain any PROGRAM whose version is older than 0200.

When you specify a version and generation number as conditions in the Package Conditions page, each specified string is compared sequentially, starting from the beginning of each string. Specifiable characters (being compared) are prioritized as follows: single-byte alphabetic characters (A to Z) > single-byte numbers (0 to 9) > forward slashes (/) > single-byte spaces. If you select <, <=, >, or >= as a comparison value, specify a version and generation number so that the number of digits is the same as the version and generation number of the package to be compared. For example, if you perform a remote installation in an environment where the package PROGRAM with version 0300 and generation number 0000 exists, specify PROGRAM>0300 0000 (rather than PROGRAM>3 0) to align the number of digits.

(2) Judgment of multiple conditions

Select a judging method when multiple conditions are specified. The default is Meets one of the conditions.