
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

7.2.3 System Conditions page

On this page, you can specify the installation target directory to be used during remote installation, and the hardware requirements for a computer where remote installation is to be performed.

Figure 7‒8: System Conditions page


Organization of this subsection

(1) Installation target directory (mandatory)

In this area, specify the directory where the package is to be remotely installed.


The default target drive for remote installation is displayed in this drop-down list. You can select any drive, but must not specify a network drive in background installation mode.

For the drive, you can specify from A: to Z:, from 1: to 9:, or None. The number indicates the sequential number of the hard disk drive in a PC when drives are arranged in alphabetical order. For example, if the A drive of a PC is a DVD-ROM drive, and the C drive is a hard disk drive, 1: means the C drive. Likewise, if the A drive of another PC is a hard disk drive, 1: means the A drive. Therefore, if you specify 1: for the target drive, it means the C drive in the case of the first PC above, or the A drive in the case of the second PC above. Specify None if you want to specify a directory as a UNC path name.

Specify a value other than None for the drive in the following case:

  • When the distribution destination is a UNIX system#

  • When the package type is Hitachi program products or other companies' software

#: When the package is distributed, the specified drive is ignored and distribution takes place according to the directory specification.


The default target directory for remote installation is displayed in this drop-down list. Specify the path to a desired directory by using a string starting with the \ character. When the distribution destination is a Windows system, you can specify up to 128 single-byte characters including a drive name. When the distribution destination is a UNIX system, you can specify up to 64 single-byte characters.

If you want to specify a UNC path name in the Directory drop-down list, specify None in the Drive drop-down list. For example, if you perform a remote installation in the \APP\PROG directory that is declared as a shared directory on the SRV010 server, specify None in the Drive drop-down list, and \\SRV010\APP\PROG in the Directory drop-down list.

When specifying a directory, note the following rules:

  • The path to an installation target directory cannot include the string %HITACHI_REG\xxx% (xxx is any string). This string is a path specific to each Hitachi program product, and is reserved for JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. General users cannot specify this string.

  • If you package a Hitachi program product, do not use semicolons (;), double quotation marks ("), or whitespaces in the path to a directory.

  • In background installation mode, if you do not have access permissions and try to perform a remote installation in a directory, installation will fail.

  • If you specify a path to a non-existent directory, a directory is created on the PC where remote installation is performed.


    When you perform packaging with the UNIX-version Packager, you can specify only directories.

(2) System conditions

In this area, specify the hardware requirements for a computer where remote installation is to be performed.

Creating system conditions

Specify the desired system conditions in this area. If you specify appropriate values in the Item, Comparison, and Value boxes, and then click the Add button, a conditional expression based on the specified values appears in the lower frame. A package is remotely installed on systems that meet the conditions specified in this area. You can specify multiple conditional expressions. If you specify multiple conditional expressions, a package is installed only when all the conditions are met.


You can select an item (Free hard disk space, Installed RAM, or OS version).


Comparison values that can be selected vary with the selected item. You can select a comparison value (such as =, >=, or <>) from the list. You can use only one comparison value in a single conditional expression.

Values (Drive, Size, and OS)

Values that can be specified vary according to the selected item. You can select a value from the list, or enter a value directly into the text box.

If you select Free hard disk space or Installed RAM for Item, the upper limit value in Size is 32,767.

If you select OS version for Item, the OSs to be compared are determined according to the values specified in Comparison and OS. The table below lists the numbers that represent each OS, and the OSs that can be specified. The smaller the number, the older the OS version.

Numbers that represents each OS

OS that can be specified































For example, if you specify WindowsServer2003 for OS and < for Comparison, the only OS that meets the specified conditions is Windows XP, which is older than Windows Server 2003.