
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Cloud Service Applications

6.7 Execution definitions window

In the Execution definitions window, you can view and edit execution definitions in detail.

Figure 6‒7: Execution definitions window


The following shows the display items and input restrictions for the Execution definitions window:

Definition name

Enter the definition name of the execution definition information. It is saved in the format of /definition-name. It cannot be changed when editing.


Display the comment of the execution definition information.

JP1 resource group

Display the JP1 resource group of the execution definition information.

Outline tab

This tab shows the outline of the items in the right-hand definition area in a tree format. Clicking an item in the outline jumps to its corresponding item in the right-hand definition area.

Cautionary note

With an item hidden in the right-hand definition area, clicking the corresponding item in the outline does not jump to the item. Show in advance the hidden item in the right-hand definition area.

Variable information tab

Displays the variable information defined by each item in the definition area on the right side and the variable information that is reserved by the system and available by default.

Export button

Clicking this button outputs the execution information being displayed as the execution definition file (sldefExport.txt). This file will be output to the download folder set by the Web browser.

For details about an execution definitions file, see F.2 Execution definition file.


Even during input of execution definitions, an execution definition file can be exported.

Import button

Click this button to display the Open dialog allowing you to select an execution definition file to be reflected to the screen. Select an execution definition file. It will be reflected on the Execution definitions screen.

For details about the format of an execution definition file, see F.2 Execution definition file.


Even during input of execution definitions, an execution definition file can be imported.

Register button

Click this button to register the execution definitions, which have been input on the Execution definitions screen with JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications. When registration is successfully completed, the Home window is displayed. If an error occurs, the item with the error is highlighted.

Back button

Go to the Home window without doing anything.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value


Definition name

Text box

Character string of 1 to 30 bytes.

Single-byte alphanumeric characters, - (hyphen), and _ (underscore) are available.





Text box

Character string within 243 bytes.

Not required



JP1 resource group

Text box

Character string within 63 bytes.

Single-byte alphanumeric characters and _ (underscores) are available.

Not required


Organization of this section