
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Cloud Service Applications

6.7.2 Linkage processing settings

This section explains about Linkage processing settings in the Execution definitions window.

Figure 6‒9: Linkage processing settings in the Execution definitions window





The following shows the display items and input restrictions for the Linkage processing settings window:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Execution start processing

(a) Execution command settings

Command line

Enter the command line to run.

Environment variable at time of command execution

Enter an environment variable to be used for command line execution in the environment-variable-name=environment-variable-value format. When specifying multiple variables, enter a line break for each one.

Storing the standard output - Variable for storing the standard output

Enter a variable name in the ?CSAExxxx? format where the standard output details are stored for passing. Replace xxxx with a value.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value


Command line

Text box

Character string within 1,023 bytes.

A tab character can also be specified.

You can specify a variable in this input item.

Also, specify "@CSA(characters-to-escape)ASC@" at locations where escaping is required. For details, see section 4.3.2 Escaping a command line for cloud service linkage information.




Environment variables at time of command execution

Text box

Character string of 20,479 bytes or less.

No line break is counted as part of the character string above.

A tab character can also be specified.

Up to 27,304 characters can be entered.

You can specify a variable in this input item.

Not required



Variable for storing the standard output

Text box

Character string of 58 bytes or less.

A to Z (uppercase alphabetical letters) and 0 to 9 (Arabic numbers) are available.

Not required


(b) Execution result judgment

Return code judgment - Command end judgment

Select operation at the end of a command from either of the following.

  • Judge based on the end condition

    Judge the execution result as normal or abnormal based on the return code.

  • Always normal

    Judge the execution result always as normal regardless of the return code. When this item is selected, Abnormal end condition and Settings for abnormal end are hidden.

Abnormal end condition

Enter an abnormal end condition of the return code of the execution command.

Settings for abnormal end

Set operation when the abnormal end condition is met.

Job return code

Enter the return code of the job.

Execute post-processing (abnormal end)

Select this item when executing the processing set for Post-processing (abnormal end) before the end of the job.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value


Conditions for Abnormal end condition

List box

Select from the following.

Equal to (=), not equal to (!=), less than (<), more than (>), equal to or less than (<=), equal to or more than (>=)




Value for Abnormal end condition

Text box

A numerical value between 0 and 2,147,483,647.




Job return code

Text box

A numerical value between 1 and 50.



Judgment of the output content (standard output) - Command end judgment

Select operation at the end of a command from either of the following.

  • Judge based on the end condition

    Judge the execution result as normal or abnormal based on the standard output details output by the command.

  • Always normal

    Judge the execution result always as normal regardless of the standard output details. When this item is selected, Processing normal end condition and Settings for abnormal end are hidden.

Processing normal end condition

Set the variable and its values for judging the normal end condition.


Enter a variable for judging the normal end condition in the ?CSAxxxxxx[YYYY]? or ?CSAxxxxx? format. Specify the YYYY with a value one less than the number of rows you want to use for judgment of the standard output. Even in the case of only one row, the YYYY needs to be specified (0 should be specified in such a case).


Enter up to 10 values that match the value of the specified variable. Multiple values can be specified by entering a line break for each one. When the value matches the value stored in the specified variable, the processing is judged as normal end.

Settings for abnormal end

Set the operation when the processing normal end condition is not satisfied.

Job return code

Enter the return code of the job.

Execute post-processing (abnormal end)

Select this item when executing the processing set for Post-processing (abnormal end) before the end of the job.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value



Text box

Character string of 70 bytes or less.

The variable can be specified in the ?CSAxxxxxx[YYYY]? or ?CSAxxxxx? format. The characters that can be specified for xxxxxx and YYYY are as follows.


A to Z (uppercase alphabetical letters) and 0 to 9 (Arabic numbers)

YYYY: 0 to 9 (Arabic numbers)





Text box

Character string within 1,023 bytes.

No line break is counted as part of the character string above.

A tab character can also be specified.

Up to 1,032 characters can be entered.

You can specify a variable in this input item.




Job return code

Text box

A numerical value between 1 and 50.



(c) Trace information settings

Log output settings

Configure settings for output to the service linkage job log file. For details about service linkage job log, see 8.2.5 Service Linkage Job Log.

Output the executed command line

Select whether to output the executed command line to the log.

Output the standard output

Select whether to output the standard output of executed commands to the log.

Output the standard error output

Select whether to output the standard error output of executed commands to the log.

Standard error output settings

Sets the output to the standard error output.

Output the executed command line

Select whether to output the executed command line to the standard error output.

Output the standard output

Select whether to output the standard output of the executed command to the standard error output.

Output the standard error output

Select whether to output the standard error output of the executed command to the standard error output.

(2) End confirmation processing

To perform the end confirmation processing of the service executed for the execution start processing, select Yes and set the items below. If No is selected, the items below are not shown.

(a) Status check command settings

Command line

Enter the command line to run.

Environment variable at time of command execution

Enter an environment variable to be used for command line execution in the environment-variable-name=environment-variable-value format. When specifying multiple variables, enter a line break for each one.

Storing the standard output - Variable for storing the standard output

Enter a variable name in the ?CSAExxxx? format where the standard output details are stored for passing. Replace xxxx with a value.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value


Command line

Text box

Character string within 1,023 bytes.

A tab character can also be specified.

You can specify a variable in this input item.

Also, specify "@CSA(characters-to-escape)ASC@" at locations where escaping is required. For details, see section 4.3.2 Escaping a command line for cloud service linkage information.




Environment variables at time of command execution

Text box

Character string of 20,479 bytes or less.

No line break is counted as part of the character string above.

A tab character can also be specified.

Up to 27,304 characters can be entered.

You can specify a variable in this input item.

Not required



Variable for storing the standard output

Text box

Character string of 58 bytes or less.

A to Z (uppercase alphabetical letters) and 0 to 9 (Arabic numbers) are available.

Not required


(b) Execution result judgment

Return code judgment - Command end judgment

Select operation at the end of a command from either of the following.

  • Judge based on the end condition

    Judge the execution result as normal or abnormal based on the return code.

  • Always normal

    Judge the execution result always as normal regardless of the return code. When this item is selected, Abnormal end condition and Settings for abnormal end are hidden.

Abnormal end condition

Enter an abnormal end condition of the return code of the status check command.

Settings for abnormal end

Set operation when the abnormal end condition is met.

Job return code

Enter the return code of the job.

Execute post-processing (abnormal end)

Select this item when executing the processing set for Post-processing (abnormal end) before the end of the job.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value


Conditions for Abnormal end condition

List box

Select from the following.

Equal to (=), not equal to (!=), less than (<), more than (>), equal to or less than (<=), equal to or more than (>=)




Value for Abnormal end condition

Text box

A numerical value between 0 and 2,147,483,647.




Job return code

Text box

A numerical value between 1 and 50.



Judgment of the output content (standard output) - Command end judgment

Select operation at the end of a command from either of the following.

  • Judge based on the end condition

    Judge the execution result as normal or abnormal and whether to retry the processing based on the standard output details output by the command.

  • Always normal

    Judge the execution result always as normal regardless of the standard output details. When this item is selected, the following are hidden: Processing normal end condition, Retry settings, and Settings for abnormal end.

Processing normal end condition

Set the variables and their values for judging the normal end condition and processing continuity condition.


Enter a variable name for judging the normal end condition and processing continuity condition in the ?CSAxxxxxx[YYYY]? or ?CSAxxxxx? format. Specify the YYYY with a value one less than the number of rows you want to use for judgment of the standard output. Even in the case of only one row, the YYYY needs to be specified (0 in such a case).


Enter up to 10 values that match the value of the specified variable. Multiple values can be specified by entering a line break for each one. When the value matches the value stored in the specified variable, the processing is judged as normal end.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value


Variable for processing normal end condition

Text box

Character string of 70 bytes or less.

The variable can be specified in the ?CSAxxxxxx[YYYY]? or ?CSAxxxxx? format. The characters that can be specified for xxxxxx and YYYY are as follows.


A to Z (uppercase alphabetical letters) and 0 to 9 (Arabic numbers)

YYYY: 0 to 9 (Arabic numbers)




Value for processing normal end condition

Text box

Character string within 1,023 bytes.

No line break is counted as part of the character string above.

A tab character can also be specified.

Up to 1,032 characters can be entered.

You can specify a variable in this input item.



Retry settings

Select whether to retry the processing based on the standard output details of the command. To retry the processing, select Yes and set the Processing continuation conditions. If No is selected, the Processing continuation conditions is not shown.

Processing continuation conditions

Enter conditions for the continuing operation.

Value of the retry condition

Enter up to 10 values that match the value of the variable of the specified normal end condition. Multiple values can be specified by entering a line break for each one. When the value matches the value stored in the specified variable, re-execute the status check command after the Repeat interval.

Repeat interval

Enter an interval for repeated execution.

Number of times to repeat

Enter the number of times of repeated execution.

Total time

This item displays the total time to be taken for the retry of the end confirmation processing based on the Repeat interval and Number of times to repeat. For a value outside the range of input restriction, - is shown.

Note that the total time includes neither the execution time of the status check command nor any other processing time.

Settings at end of repeat - Job return code

Enter the return code of the job when the processing has been performed for the specified number of times.

Settings at end of repeat - Execute post-processing (abnormal end)

Select this item when executing the processing set for Post-processing (abnormal end) before the end of the job in the case where the processing has been performed for the specified number of times.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value


Value of the retry condition

Text box

Character string within 1,023 bytes.

No line break is counted as part of the character string above.

A tab character can also be specified.

Up to 1,032 characters can be entered.

You can specify a variable in this input item.




Repeat interval

Text box

A numerical value between 0 and 10.

The unit is minutes.




Number of times to repeat

Text box

A numerical value between 1 and 2,880.




Total time


A numerical value between 1 and 2,880.

The unit is minutes.

This item displays the value of the product of the repeat interval and the repeat count.




Job return code

Text box

A numerical value between 1 and 50.



Settings for abnormal end

Set the operation when neither the normal end condition nor the processing continuity condition is met.

Job return code

Enter the return code of the job.

Execute post-processing (abnormal end)

Select this item when executing the processing set for Post-processing (abnormal end) before the end of the job.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value


Job return code

Text box

A numerical value between 1 and 50.



(c) Trace information settings

Log output settings

Configure settings for output to the service linkage job log file. For details about service linkage job log, see 8.2.5 Service Linkage Job Log.

Output the executed command line

Select whether to output the executed command line to the log.

Output the standard output

Select whether to output the standard output of executed commands to the log.

Output the standard error output

Select whether to output the standard error output of executed commands to the log.

Standard error output settings

Sets the output to the standard error output.

Output the executed command line

Select whether to output the executed command line to the standard error output.

Output the standard output

Select whether to output the standard output of the executed command to the standard error output.

Output the standard error output

Select whether to output the standard error output of the executed command to the standard error output.

(3) Post-processing (normal end)

To perform post-processing after normal termination, select Yes and set the following items. If No is selected, the items below are not shown.

(a) Command settings

Command line

Enter the command line to run.

Environment variable at time of command execution

Enter an environment variable to be used for command line execution in the environment-variable-name=environment-variable-value format. When specifying multiple variables, enter a line break for each one.

Storing the standard output - Variable for storing the standard output

Enter a variable name in the ?CSAExxxx? format where the standard output details are stored for passing. Replace xxxx with a value.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value


Command line

Text box

Character string within 1,023 bytes.

A tab character can also be specified.

You can specify a variable in this input item.

Also, specify "@CSA(characters-to-escape)ASC@" at locations where escaping is required. For details, see section 4.3.2 Escaping a command line for cloud service linkage information.




Environment variables at time of command execution

Text box

Character string of 20,479 bytes or less.

No line break is counted as part of the character string above.

A tab character can also be specified.

Up to 27,304 characters can be entered.

You can specify a variable in this input item.

Not required



Variable for storing the standard output

Text box

Character string of 58 bytes or less.

A to Z (uppercase alphabetical letters) and 0 to 9 (Arabic numbers) are available.

Not required


(b) Execution result judgment

Return code judgment - Command end judgment

Select operation at the end of a command from either of the following.

  • Judge based on the end condition

    Judge the execution result as normal or abnormal based on the return code.

  • Always normal

    Judge the execution result always as normal regardless of the return code. When this item is selected, Abnormal end condition and Settings for abnormal end are hidden.

Abnormal end condition

Enter an abnormal end condition of the return code of the status check command.

Settings for abnormal end

Set operation when the abnormal end condition is met.

Job return code

Enter the return code of the job.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value


Conditions for Abnormal end condition

List box

Select from the following.

Equal to (=), not equal to (!=), less than (<), more than (>), equal to or less than (<=), equal to or more than (>=)




Value for Abnormal end condition

Text box

A numerical value between 0 and 2,147,483,647.




Job return code

Text box

A numerical value between 1 and 50.



(c) Trace information settings

Log output settings

Configure settings for output to the service linkage job log file. For details about service linkage job log, see 8.2.5 Service Linkage Job Log.

Output the executed command line

Select whether to output the executed command line to the log.

Output the standard output

Select whether to output the standard output of executed commands to the log.

Output the standard error output

Select whether to output the standard error output of executed commands to the log.

Standard error output settings

Sets the output to the standard error output.

Output the executed command line

Select whether to output the executed command line to the standard error output.

Output the standard output

Select whether to output the standard output of the executed command to the standard error output.

Output the standard error output

Select whether to output the standard error output of the executed command to the standard error output.

(4) Post-processing (abnormal end)

To perform post-processing after abnormal termination, select Yes and set the following items. If No is selected, the items below are not shown.

(a) Command settings

Command line

Enter the command line to run.

Environment variable at time of command execution

Enter an environment variable to be used for command line execution in the environment-variable-name=environment-variable-value format. When specifying multiple variables, enter a line break for each one.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value


Command line

Text box

Character string within 1,023 bytes.

A tab character can also be specified.

You can specify a variable in this input item.

Also, specify "@CSA(characters-to-escape)ASC@" at locations where escaping is required. For details, see section 4.3.2 Escaping a command line for cloud service linkage information.




Environment variables at time of command execution

Text box

Character string of 20,479 bytes or less.

No line break is counted as part of the character string above.

A tab character can also be specified.

Up to 27,304 characters can be entered.

You can specify a variable in this input item.

Not required


(b) Trace information settings

Log output settings

Configure settings for output to the service linkage job log file. For details about service linkage job log, see 8.2.5 Service Linkage Job Log.

Output the executed command line

Select whether to output the executed command line to the log.

Output the standard output

Select whether to output the standard output of executed commands to the log.

Output the standard error output

Select whether to output the standard error output of executed commands to the log.

Standard error output settings

Sets the output to the standard error output.

Output the executed command line

Select whether to output the executed command line to the standard error output.

Output the standard output

Select whether to output the standard output of the executed command to the standard error output.

Output the standard error output

Select whether to output the standard error output of the executed command to the standard error output.