
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

A.5 Output format of NetExec error log files

A NetExec error log file contains information about errors that occur during execution of the NetExec command. If you cannot determine the cause of an error by referring to the trace file, log file, and event log, acquire a NetExec log file and then contact the support center.

Organization of this subsection

(1) File name

(2) Output format

Figure A-7 shows the output format of the error log in the client system, and Figure A-8 shows the output format of the error log in the server system.

Figure A‒7: Output format of the error log in the client system


Figure A‒8: Output format of the error log in the server system


(3) File size

The size of an error log file for both client and server systems is as follows:

Maximum size of one file: (100 bytes/line) * 100 lines = approximately 10 kilobytes

Maximum number of files: 30

Maximum value: Approximately 10 kilobytes + 30 files = approximately 300 kilobytes

(4) Output specification

As the default, the installer sets the following registry and outputs the error log:

Registry key


Value name 1


Value datatype 1


Value 1

Whether or not to output trace and its output level:

0: Do not output trace.

1: Output only error trace and delete the file at normal termination (this is the default value).

When the setting takes effect

The setting takes effect the next time the script file is executed.

Value name 2


Value datatype 2


Value 2

Trace output destination folder name (initial value: "script log folder")

When the setting takes effect

The setting takes effect the next time the script file is executed.