
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

G. Glossary


analysis trace file

A file that contains the results of syntactical analysis of a script.

automatic start information file

A file that contains information for the Script launcher to execute scripts automatically.


batch job

A job that uses batch processing.

batch processing

A set of processing executed as one job. Batch processing is suitable for jobs that do not require interactive operations and for jobs that process mass data.



A generic name for buttons, list boxes, and other items arranged on a menu form.


Easy Input

One of the component programs of JP1/Script. The user enters commands interactively, and the input commands can be output to Editor or the clipboard.

edit mode

One of the modes of Editor, used for creating a script file.

Edit mode is the default at Editor startup. To switch to monitoring mode, choose Monitoring, Execute Monitoring. To switch back to edit mode, choose Monitoring, Cancel Monitoring.


An editor with the JP1/Script attribute. Editor can be used in combination with the Easy Input facility for efficient script creation. It also provides a monitoring function that simplifies debugging by allowing the user to track script operation.

execution environment file

A file that contains the environment settings for running script files.

Execution Environment File Converter

A tool used to export execution environment files from JP1/Script for Windows to JP1/Script for UNIX.

execution trace file

A file that stores script execution results.


field name

A name set for a control. Field names are written in a menu information file, and do not appear in the created menu form.


global variable file

A file that contains the global variables set at script execution.


index number

A number from 1 for representing an element in an array variable (or a row element and column element of a two-dimensional array).

intrinsic constant

A value predefined in JP1/Script. Intrinsic constants can be used in command arguments.


JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 (JP1/AJS3)

JP1/AJS3 is a program that automates work tasks.

In JP1/AJS3, you can define sequences of tasks to execute at regular intervals, or have certain processing start when a specific event occurs.


A program that provides the event service function. JP1/Base allows you to control the order in which services start, and it lets you send and receive JP1 events.

JP1/Integrated Management (JP1/IM)

A program that enabling integrated management of a distributed system. Command execution results and other information sent from JP1/Script can be displayed on the JP1/IM event console.

JP1/Script service

One of the component programs of JP1/Script. This program controls start and termination of script files registered in the automatic start information in the service space and NetExec command requests in the service space.


large file

A file whose size is 2,147,483,648 bytes or greater.

location variable

A variable that contains the script file name or a parameter specified when starting a script from a command line. Location variables are in the form %0, %1, %2, ...,

%n, where n is a positive integer. The script file name and parameters specified in the command line are set in order in these variables, starting from %0.

For example, if the command line is entered as follows:


The following values will be set in the location variables %0, %1, and %2:




In this way, you can set values for the location variables when starting a script.

logon space

A script process session started by the user using Script Launcher, Script Manager, or Explorer when the user is logged on. Interactive operations using the GUI are possible.

If the user logs off during script execution, the execution terminates. Scripts that you want to execute irrespective of whether the user is logged on must be executed in the service space.



One of the component programs of JP1/Script. Manager is used for tasks such as creating and editing scripts, and setting the operating environment.

Menu Editor

An editor used to create and edit menu forms for a script file created with JP1/Script. Menu Editor also allows you to set control properties and to display menu forms in test view.

menu form

Behaves in the same way as a window. Menu forms can be created for specific purposes using Menu Editor. Buttons, list boxes, and other controls can be placed on a menu form.

menu information file

A file that contains property definitions of the forms and controls that make up a menu form. A menu information file is created automatically in text format when you edit a menu form using Menu Editor.

monitoring information file

A file that contains information used for monitoring.

monitoring mode

One of the modes of Editor, used for tracking the execution of a script file.

Edit mode is the default at Editor startup. To switch to monitoring mode, choose Monitoring, Execute Monitoring. To switch back to edit mode, choose Monitoring, Cancel Monitoring.


NetExec logon user settings file

The file specifies the user logon space where programs requested by the NetExec command are executed when using the Script Launcher service.


primary session

A session used by a physical console connected to a computer.


A set of commands processed at run time as a single unit. In JP1/Script, you can use the Function statement or Sub statement to define a procedure. The term sub-routine is synonymous with procedure.

procedure level

Indicates that a statement is written in a Function procedure or Sub procedure. A declaration, such as an assignment statement, must precede code that specifies actual operation.

Process Viewer

One of the component programs of JP1/Script. Process Viewer is used to monitor and control active script processes. Script processes running on a remote computer can also be listed in Process Viewer.

program group

A folder in which to register the shortcuts of the programs displayed in the Windows Start menu. Folders for specific users and a folder shared by all users are provided.



A location for jobs that are awaiting execution. Submitted jobs are temporarily stored in a queue, and are then retrieved and executed in turn.


reserved keyword rule file

A file that stores the rules relating to the keywords required for analyzing and executing script files.



A set of coded statements, containing supplied commands and instructions.

Script Engine

One of the component programs of JP1/Script. Script Engine checks the command syntax (lexical and syntactical analysis) for created script files.

Script Execution

One of the component programs of JP1/Script. This program executes script files and processes JP1/Script commands.

Script Execution

One of the component programs of JP1/Script. This program executes created script files and processes JP1/Script commands.

script file

A file that stores a created script.

Script Launcher

One of the component programs of JP1/Script. Script Launcher controls start and termination of script files according to the predefined automatic start information.

Script Launcher service

One of the component programs of JP1/Script. This program controls NetExec command requests in the logon space.

script level

Indicates that a statement is written outside a procedure. In contrast with the procedure level, statements written outside a procedure are referenced as script level statements.

server environment file

A file that contains the server environment settings.

server trace file

A file that stores the results of command execution by the server when called from a command written in a script running on a client.

service information

An object that defines information necessary for service operations.

To use JP1/Script service operation commands, use the ServiceSetValue command to specify the necessary service information in advance.

service space

A script process session started from a JP1/Script service. By starting the script process session from the JP1/Script service, scripts can be executed irrespective of whether the user is logged on. However, interactive operation using, for example, the GUI, cannot be performed. If you need interactive operation that uses the GUI, use the logon space. Script processes started from JP1/AJS are also executed in the service space.


Synonymous with procedure.


trace management file

A file that manages trace files.

Trace Viewer

One of the component programs of JP1/Script. By activating Trace Viewer, you can view the traces produced at script file execution and check the execution status.


user trace file (trace file)

A file that stores the traces produced at execution of the commands in a script.



An asterisk (*) that represents any string, or a question mark (?) that represents any one character. In JP1/Script, a wildcard can be written anywhere in a folder name or file name. Example:

Wildcards matching ABCDE.TXT in the folder _TEMP_:






work file

A file used internally by JP1/Script.