
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

A.4 Output format of server trace files

A server trace file contains the results of command execution by the server when called from the SetGV, GetGV, DeleteGV, or NetExec command written in a script running on a client.

Organization of this subsection

(1) File name

The file name is fixed as SPTSVTRC.SPY. The file is created in the script execution environment folder (system-drive\ProgramData\Hitachi\Script\Data).

(2) Output format

Figure A-6 shows the output format of the server trace file.

Figure A‒6: Output format of the server trace file



Date on which the server executed the command


Time at which the server started command execution


Time at which the server completed command execution


Name of the executed command


When the executed command calls a process, a two or three-lines trace is produced. A symbol identifies whether the output line is the first, second or third line of the trace.


First line (start)


Second line (only output when settings are configured with the NetExec logon user settings file in the Script Launcher service, and the process is called by the NetExec command in the logon space.)


Second or third line (end)


Process identifier output when the executed command calls a process


Execution result of the command executed by the server

OK: Successful

ER: Execution error (error detail code in parentheses)


Computer name of the client (enclosed with double quotes)


User name of the client (enclosed with double quotes)


Full path of the script file executed by the client (enclosed with double quotes). The number in parentheses is the line number in the script file of the command executed by the server.


If a command executed on the server calls a process, the name of the execution user starting the process is output (enclosed with double quotations ("")).


If a command executed on the server calls a process, the name of the execution program starting the process is output (enclosed with double quotations ("")).


Start time of a process called by the server that executed the command


End time of a process called by the server that executed the command


Completion code of a process called by a command executed on the server (output only if the command execution result is OK)

(3) Maximum lines and columns

Execution results are output to a server trace file up to a maximum of 1,000 lines and 200 columns. These limits cannot be changed.

If the output execution results exceed the maximum line count, the system returns to the first line and outputs the new results, replacing the existing results. If the maximum column count is exceeded, the results continue onto a new line.

(4) Output specification

You can specify whether or not to output a server trace file in the Server Information page of the Options dialog box which opens from the Manager window.