
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

5.3.1 Types of log information

Organization of this subsection

(1) Analysis trace file

The analysis trace file is a type of log information used to output command analysis results.

For details about how to set this log information, see 4.1.12 Set Command Line dialog box and 6.2 Rules for writing command lines. For details about the output formats, see A. Output Formats of Script Trace Files.

(2) Execution trace file

The execution trace file is a type of log information used to output command execution results. The type of log information that is output to the execution trace file depends on the output level. For details about how to set this log information, see 4.1.12 Set Command Line dialog box and 6.2 Rules for writing command lines. For details about the output formats, see A. Output Formats of Script Trace Files.

(3) User trace file

The user trace file is a type of log information that is output when Target_File is specified in the first argument of the Message command. For details about how to set this log information, see 8.6.2 Message (output text to a file or window). For details about the output formats, see A. Output Formats of Script Trace Files.

(4) Server trace file

The server trace file is a type of log information used to output the results of command execution on the server when the name of another computer is specified in the SetGV, GetGV, DeleteGV, and NetExec commands. For details about how to set this log information, see 4.1.22 Options (Server Information) dialog box. For details about the output formats, see A. Output Formats of Script Trace Files.

(5) NetExec error log file

The NetExec error log file is a type of log information used to output errors that occur during execution of the NetExec command. For details about the NetExec error log file, see A. Output Formats of Script Trace Files.

(6) Event log

The event log is a type of log information used to report the system status and errors. You can use Windows Event Viewer to view the contents. For details about how to set this log information, see 4.1.12 Set Command Line dialog box and 6.2 Rules for writing command lines.

(7) Maintenance log file

The maintenance log file is used to record detailed information about the errors that occur when Windows functions are called in JP1/Script programs. If you cannot determine the cause of the error by referring to trace files, log files, and event logs and need to contact the support center, send the maintenance log file. For details about how to enable the maintenance log file, see D. Maintenance Log Files. The format of output information is not made public.