
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

4.1.22 Options (Server Information) dialog box

The Options dialog box appears when you choose Tools, Options in the Script Manager window.

The Options dialog box has six tabs: Server Information, Compatibility, Multi-activation, JP1/IM, Trace, and Cluster Environment. Click the Server Information tab to display the Options (Server Information) page.



If you attempt to set up the server information options while the JP1/Script service is not running, a dialog box containing the following error message appears:

The operation could not be performed because the JP1/Script service is not running. Launch the JP1/Script service, and then re-execute the operation.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Components

Command name

Lists the command names for which you can enable or disable execution from a client.


Shows whether clients are allowed to execute a particular command. A circle means execution is permitted; a cross means execution is not permitted.


Displays the Update Information dialog box.

Output server trace

Choose whether to output a trace for commands executed on the server. This box is selected by default.

The output file is fixed as SPTSVTRC.SPY in the script execution environment folder (System Drive\ProgramData\Hitachi\Script\Data).

If you open the Options (Cluster Environment) dialog box from the Tools menu and change the folder for management file output, traces will be output to that folder.

Allow Process Viewer operation

Choose whether to accept Process Viewer operations performed at a client. This box is selected by default.

(2) Operations

(3) Processing