
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

8.2.3 Command execution with recovery option

Organization of this subsection

(1) Overview of the function

This item executes the specified recovery execution command if the execution command fails with an error.

(2) List of settings




Can specify inherited information?

Execution command


String (1 to 512 bytes)




String (0 to 512 bytes)


Recovery execution command


String (1 to 512 bytes)


Parameter for recovery execution command


String (0 to 512 bytes)


Virtual user name


String (0 to 512 bytes)

Yes (The profile information cannot be specified.)

(3) Settings

Execution command

Specify the file name of the command to execute.

A command is executed as a child process of the job execution service. When commands that require interactive operations are executed, those commands can be left running if you cannot perform operations in the window. (You can check this by the Task Manager or an alternative.) If you execute a command that requires interactive operations, use the command execution with the window item.

If specifying a file whose extension is other than .exe or .bat, you need to associate the file extension with an appropriate application.


Specify the parameter for the execution command.

Recovery execution command

Specify the file name of the command to execute when the execution command ended abnormally.

For notes and other details, see the descriptions of Execution command.

Parameter for recovery execution command

Specify the parameter for the recovery execution command.

Virtual user name

Specify the name of the virtual user mapped to the name of the Windows user who executes the item. If the virtual user name is omitted, the item is executed with the account for the CPA job execution service.

To map the virtual user name, use the cpasetumap command. For details on the cpasetumap command, see cpasetumap in 9. Commands.

(4) Return values



Other than 126

Return values of execution commands.

Return values of the recovery execution command if recovery is performed.


The internal processing of CPA ended abnormally during startup of the execution command or recovery execution command.

  • If an error occurs in the internal processing of CPA during startup of the execution command or recovery execution command, 126 is set to the return value of the command. Check whether the specified execution command file or recovery execution command file exists.

    If it exists, check the message log and take action according to the message.

    Note that if the execution command or recovery execution command ends with the return value of 126, you cannot determine whether an error occurred in the internal processing or the execution command or recovery execution command ended abnormally. We recommend that commands specified as the execution command or recovery execution command return values other than 126.

  • If a virtual user name is specified for the item, fix the error by checking if:

    - The virtual user name is specified properly.

    - The virtual user name is registered.

    - The Windows user associated with the virtual user name is correct.

    - The Windows user associated with the virtual user name has the correct user rights.

    - The password for the Windows user associated with the virtual user name has not expired.

    - The password for the Windows user associated with the virtual user name is correct (the account is not locked).

    - The Net Logon service has been running.

(5) Example

Execution command



/c if not exist c:\temp\hello.txt exit 1

Recovery execution command


Parameter for recovery execution command

/c msg.exe# console /w Failure!


If you want to execute the command on a 64-bit operating system, specify the command as follows.

When the installation path of the Windows system is C:\Windows:


(6) Command name that is output to log files
