
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

8.2.4 Command execution in window

Organization of this subsection

(1) Overview of the function

This item executes the command that displays a window.

(2) List of settings




Can specify inherited information?

Execution command


String (1 to 512 bytes)




String (0 to 512 bytes)


Wait for end


Combo box (Wait for the window showing process to terminate, or Does not wait for the window showing process to terminate)


Operation when terminates the window


Combo box (Always normal end or Normal end when the return code is 0)


Timeout period(min.)


Numeric (0 to 1,440)


Exclusive option


Check box (Do not execute concurrently among selected actions)


(3) Settings

Execution command

Specify the file name of the command that displays a window.

The command is executed with the privilege of the logged-on user. This means that the command ends abnormally if it is executed when no user logs on.

If specifying a file whose extension is other than .exe or .bat, you need to associate the file extension with an appropriate application.


Specify the parameter for the command that displays a window.

Wait for end

Specify whether to wait for the completion of the command that displays a window.

Operation when the window is closed

Specify whether the command that displays a window ends normally regardless of the return value, or it ends normally if the return value is 0. For both options, the command will end abnormally if an error occurs in the internal processing of CPA.

This setting is available only if Wait for end is set to Wait for the window showing process to terminate.

Timeout period (min.)

Specify the timeout period for actions being executed. The valid values are 0 to 1,440 minutes. If omitted or set to 0, actions are not terminated. If Do not execute the selected actions concurrently is selected in Exclusion option, lock-release wait time is also included in the time period.

Exclusion option

Actions for which this check box is selected are never executed concurrently (only one of them is executed at a time). This exclusive option is the same as the one provided for the Command execution in window item, and exclusive control is commonly applied to all items for which one of these options is enabled.

Select this option if you use an item that should not be executed concurrently.

(4) Return values



Other than 126

Return values of execution commands.


The command ended abnormally in CPA internal processing when the execution command starts.


If an error occurs in CPA internal processing when the execution command starts, 126 is set to the return value of the command. Check if the file specified as the execution command exists. If it exists, check the message log and take actions according to the message.

Note that if a command specified as the execution command ends with 126, you cannot determine whether an error occurred in internal processing or the execution command ended abnormally.

We recommend that you use values other than 126 for return values of the command specified as the execution command.

(5) Example

Execution command




Wait for end

Wait for the window showing process to terminate

Operation when the window is closed

Always normal end

(6) Command name that is output to log files
