
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide


Organization of this page


Registers the following information in the user mapping file (usrprof.xml): CPA virtual users used with the Windows log-on function or execution user setting function and information regarding the users to be mapped to the virtual users (Windows user names and passwords).


cpasetumap [{-a virtual-user-name -u Windows-user-name -p password|-d virtual-user-name}]

Permission for execution



-a virtual-user-name

Specifies the value to be specified as the virtual user name for the Windows log-on action item or the item that uses the execution user setting function.

The virtual user name specified with this option is linked with the user information specified with the -u and -p options and then registered in the user mapping file.

You can specify 1- to 14-byte half-width alphanumeric characters as a virtual user name.

If you specify a virtual user name that has already been registered in the user mapping file, the registered values are updated with the values specified for the -u and -p options. If the user mapping file already contains the maximum number of virtual users that can be registered (10 virtual users) in it, you cannot add a new virtual user to it.

-u Windows-user-name

Specifies the Windows Windows user name to be linked to the virtual user name specified by the -a option.

When applicable, a user name containing a domain name must be specified in NetBIOS-domain-name\user-name format. If you omit the NetBIOS domain name, it is assumed that the local host name.

You can specify a 1- to 276-byte Windows user name consisting of half-width alphanumeric characters and the following half-width symbols:

_ - \ .

If the specified Windows user name contains any of the above half-width symbols, enclose the Windows user name in double quotation marks (\). Any double quotation marks within the password must be denoted as \\ format.

You can only use a backslash (\) to separate domain-name from user-name. Neither domain-name nor user-name can contain a backslash.

-p password

Sets a password for the Windows user name specified by the -u option.

You can specify a 1- to 20-byte password consisting of half-width alphanumeric characters and the following half-width symbols:

` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ | : ; " ' < > , . ? /

If the specified password contains any of the above half-width symbols, enclose the password in double quotation marks ("). Any double quotation marks within the password must be denoted as \" format.

-d virtual-user-name

From the user mapping file, removes the specified virtual user name as well as the Windows user name and password linked to it.

No option

If you do not specify any options, virtual user names registered in the user mapping file as well as the Windows user names linked to them are displayed in the following list format:


When there is no item to be displayed, a message stating that no virtual user information has been registered is sent to the standard output. In this case, the return value of the command will indicate that the command was completed successfully.

Return values




The specified virtual user is not registered.


Insufficient resources


Invalid argument


Exceeded the maximum allowed number of registered items.


The system settings file (config.xml) has an error.


The user mapping file (usrprof.xml) is invalid.


The system settings file (config.xml) does not exist.


File access error


System error


Program error

Environment requirements

This command can run regardless of whether the job execution service is running or stopped.

This command can run regardless of whether the message communication service is running or stopped.

Command stored in:


Note that the command is stored in the following folder by default.

In a 32-bit operating system:


In a 64-bit operating system:

