
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

6.2 Job operation windows

The Exec. on time tab and the Exec. on event tab allow you to create, edit, check the status of, and delete jobs that are executed according to the set schedule and those that are triggered by the set event, respectively.

The following figure shows an example of the window displayed when one of these tabs is selected.

Figure 6‒3:  Exec. on time tab


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Open button

This button loads a job definition file. This job definition file is the one you defined in the Job exec. on time dialog box and then created with the Save job file button.

[Figure]New button

This button creates a new job executed on time.

[Figure]Exec. on time

This column displays the name of the registered job.


This column provides an explanation of the registered job.

[Figure]Edit button

This button allows you to edit the definition of the registered job. This button is useful when you want to change the behavior of the registered job.

[Figure]Checking the status button

This button shows the status of the registered job (for example, whether it is currently executing or has already ended). If the job has already ended, you can check its execution result.

[Figure]Delete button

This button deletes the registered job.

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