
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

6.2.3 Checking the status dialog box

You can display the Checking the status dialog box by selecting the Exec. on time tab or the Exec. on event tab. This dialog box allows you to check the status of the job.

The following figure shows the Checking the status dialog box.

Figure 6‒6:  Checking the status dialog box


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Area that displays a list of executed jobs

This area displays a list of executed jobs. It also shows you the start time, end time, and status of each job. Furthermore, buttons are provided to re-execute or stop each job.

[Figure]Retry button

Reruns jobs.

[Figure]Stop button

This button stops the job that is currently being executed.

[Figure]Area that displays a list of executed units

This area displays a list of units belonging to the job selected in the area that displays a list of executed jobs. When you select a unit, its status shows up in the unit status area.

[Figure]Item status area

This area displays the status of the unit selected in the area that displays a list of executed units. Furthermore, if the unit is an action item, you can see the execution result of the item by clicking the Execution result button.

[Figure]Execution result button

This button enables you to see the execution result of the unit (action or event monitor item) selected in the area that displays a list of executed units.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Execution result dialog box

In the Execution result dialog box, you can check the result of executing an item.

The following figure shows the Execution result dialog box.

Figure 6‒7:  Execution result dialog box


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Execution command area

This area displays the executed command.

[Figure]Standard output area

This area displays the standard output of the executed command.

[Figure]Standard error output area

This area displays the standard error output of the executed command.