
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

6.2.1 Job exec. on time dialog box

You can display the Job exec. on time dialog box by selecting the Exec. on time tab. This dialog box allows you to define a job in which a schedule is set for job execution.

The following figure shows the Job exec. on time dialog box.

Figure 6‒4:  Job exec. on time dialog box


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Help button

This button displays the Help window.

[Figure]Basic information area

This area allows you to enter a job name and provides an explanation of the job.

The following table describes the items displayed and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area:


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value


Job name

Text box

A 1- to 45-byte string. You can specify half-width alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), and multibyte characters.





Text box

A character string not exceeding 1,024 bytes.

You can use line breaks.




Each character in the string you enter in the text box is counted differently in bytes depending on the character. For the conversion rate of the characters you enter into bytes, see C.2 Conversion rate of characters into bytes. Note that text boxes cannot contain only line breaks and/or half-width spaces.

[Figure]Select item area

This area allows you to select an item you want to apply. When you select one of the Action, Exec. date, Exec. time, and Calendar tabs, selectable items show up. From the displayed items, either select the one you want to apply and click the Apply button or simply double-click the one you want to apply. The selected item is applied to the Execute action area and the Schedule area.

[Figure]Execute action area

This area displays the items you can set for the item you have applied by using the Action tab in the Select item area.

[Figure]Schedule area

This area allows you to set a schedule for executing the job. It reflects the items you have applied by using the Exec. date, Exec. time, and Calendar tabs in the Select item area. You can also directly specify the job execution date(s), job execution cycle, and job execution time.

The following table describes the items displayed and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area:


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value


Exec. date

Text box

Specify this item in yyyy/mm/dd format. You can specify a value in the range from 2013/01/01 to 2099/12/31.





Pull-down menu

Select from one of the following options: One day only, Execute everyday, Execute in every open day, and Execute in every closed day.


One day only


Exec. time

Text box

Specify a value in the range from 00 to 23 for the hour, and a value in the range from 00 to 59 for the minute.



[Figure]Execute immediately after finishing register check box

If you select this check box, the job is executed immediately after it is registered. Selecting this check box disables all schedule settings, which creates a schedule definition that enables immediate execution of the job. If you register a job with this check box selected, and then open the Job exec. on time dialog box again to edit it, the check box is cleared in the displayed dialog box.

[Figure]Exec. date

Specify the start date and end date of job execution. You can specify the end date only when you select Execute everyday, Execute in every open day, or Execute in every closed day from the Cycle pull-down menu located immediately below.

You can also enter these dates by using the Calendar button displayed to right of each entry field.


This pull-down menu allows you to specify the cycle for executing the job.

[Figure]Exec. time

This pull-down menu allows you to specify the time at which to start executing the job.

[Figure]Clear button

This button deletes the values that reflect the item applied in the Select item area.

[Figure]Save job file button

This button saves the file containing the created job definition.

[Figure]Register button

Registers jobs.

[Figure]Cancel button

This button closes the window without registering the edited definition.