
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

4.4.1 Execution user setting function

Using the execution user setting function, you can operate the following jobs:

For details on available files on the network, see 4.4.1(3) Using files on the network.

With the execution user setting function, you can specify a virtual user name for the item to be executed.

The item is executed by the Windows user associated with the virtual user name.

The CPA virtual user to be associated with the information (Windows user name and password) of the user who executes the item must be added to the user mapping file (usrprof.xml).

To add the virtual user and the information of the user associated with the virtual user to the user mapping file (usrprof.xml), execute the cpasetumap command. For details on the cpasetumap command, see cpasetumap in 9. Commands.


The Windows user associated with the virtual user name must have the following user rights:

  • Local logon

Note that if the user is an administrator, the local logon rights may be granted.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Defining a virtual user name for an item

You can specify the name of a virtual user who executes an item in the item definition of the Job Design View or Item Design View. In the item definition of the Item Design View, you can also create an item with a virtual user defined for it.

For details on the item definition of the Job Design View, see 6.2 Job operation windows and 6.3 Window used to define items.

For details on the item definition in the Item Design View, see 7.2 Item definition windows.

(2) Executing an item as a specified user

If you specify a virtual user name, an item is executed with the Windows user associated with the virtual user name. If the virtual user name is not specified, the item is executed with the account for the CPA job execution service.

Depending on whether or not the virtual user name is specified, items are executed differently at command execution. For details, see A.3 Different behaviors in different command execution environments.

(3) Using files on the network

When a Windows user executes an item, the user can have access to files on the network. The Windows user who executes it must be able to access the files on the network.

Note that you specify a file name in the format available without the need for assigning it as a network drive (a path starting with \\computer-name). A network drive name cannot be specified.

A file on the network can be specified in the parameter and the file name to be monitored. It can also be used in the file with the .bat or .exe extension specified for the execution command or the command name.


If a file on the network temporarily becomes inaccessible, it may take time to execute an item or detect an event.

Use items with the names of files on the network in a stable network environment.