
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

jprmpflw (Windows)

Organization of this page


     {-m map-output-save-file-name [-u] [-b] [-d depth-of-the-job-hierarchical-tree]
     |-l jobnet-flow-output-save-file-name [-u] [-b] [-d depth-of-the-job-hierarchical-tree]}
     [-r release-ID]


The jprmpflw command outputs the contents of the job operation information file in map format or jobnet flow format.

For automatic operation using JP1/AJS, execute the command in either of the following ways:

Specify an executable file or a script file to a JP1/AJS2 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Manager job definition for executing the job.

For details on how to design the system for automated job execution, see the manual of JP1/AJS2 or JP1/AJS3.

Use JP1/Script by logging on to Windows.

JP1/Script provides functionality to enable job execution in the user session space. Create a script file (.spt) and specify the created script file as an executable file for JP1/AJS. For details on how to create a script file, see the manual JP1/Script (For Windows Systems).

Example of command specification:
  • When the information in the job operation information file (C:\Input\SAMP.aoi) is output to a file (C:\work\map.xlsx) in map format

jprmpflw C:\Input\SAMP.aoi -m C:\work\map.xlsx
  • When the information in the job operation information file (C:\Input\SAMP.aoi) is output to a file (C:\work\flow.xlsx) in jobnet flow format according to the jobnet flow format definition

jprmpflw C:\Input\SAMP.aoi -l C:\work\flow.xlsx

Command directory


Options and arguments


Specify the name of the job operation information file whose information you want to output.

Specify the file name by full path (including the extension .aoi).

Make sure that the path and file name of the file do not exceed 258 bytes in total, the path does not exceed 194 bytes, and the file name does not exceed 63 bytes.

Do not use any of the following characters in a file name:

\ / : * ? " < > |

-m map-output-save-file-name

Specify the name of an output file when jobnet definition information is output to a Microsoft Excel file in map format.

Specify the file name by the full path (including the extension .xlsx).

Make sure that the path and file name of the file do not exceed 258 bytes in total. The file name of a file whose path and file name exceed 258 bytes in total is converted automatically when the file is saved according to the automatic file name conversion rules. For details on the automatic file name conversion rules, see the Supplementary note.

The folder path name does not exceed 194 bytes in length.

Do not use any of the following characters in a file name:

\ / : * ? " < > |

This option cannot be specified together with the -l option.

-l jobnet-flow-output-save-file-name

Specify the name of an output file when jobnet definition information is output to a Microsoft Excel file in jobnet flow format.

Specify the file name by the full path (including the extension .xlsx).

Make sure that the path and file name of the file do not exceed 258 bytes in total. The file name of a file whose path and file name exceed 258 bytes in total is converted automatically when the file is saved according to the automatic file name conversion rules. For details on the automatic file name conversion rules, see the Supplementary note.

The folder path name does not exceed 194 bytes in length.

Do not use any of the following characters in a file name:

\ / : * ? " < > |

This option cannot be specified together with the -m option.


Specify the behavior when the file specified for the map output save file name or jobnet flow output save file name already exists.

If you specify this option, the file is overwritten if it already exists. If you omit this option, the command terminates abnormally if the file already exists.


Specify this option if you want to insert a page break between jobnets.

A page break is not inserted if this is not specified.

-d depth-of-the-job-hierarchical-tree

Specify this option if units deeper than the specified depth of the job hierarchical tree are not to be output.

Specify this as a number from 1 to 2,147,483,647. When you specify 1, the units directly under the top unit in the job operation information file are to be output.

If this option is not specified, all layers are output.

-r release-ID

If the specified job operation information file contains release ID information, specify the release ID of the jobnet whose information you want to output.

If this option is not specified, the command assumes that the first valid release ID in the job operation information file is specified.

Return values


Normal termination


Terminated with warning (there is no information to output, part of the information was output, or the input file includes unsupported units)


Abnormal termination (such as an argument specification error or the maximum number of units exceeded)


Abnormal termination (runtime error)

Supplementary note: Automatic file name conversion rules

If the entire file path name exceeds 258 bytes, the whole part other than the extension of the file name (.xlsx) is converted into 252 (excluding the extension and \ between the folder name and the file name) - folder-path-name-length bytes or less.

  • Converting the file path name, excluding the extension

    If the file name minus the extension exceeds 252 - folder-path-name-length bytes and the 252 - folder-path-name-length byte position is the first byte of a two-byte code, the first 251 - folder-path-name-length bytes are used as the file name. If the file name minus the extension is 251 - folder-path-name-length or fewer bytes, the file name is not converted. If the converted file name is already in use at the same path, a three-character hexadecimal serial number (000 to FFF, using capital letters for alphabetic characters) is appended to the end of the converted file name. However, if the 249 - folder-path-name-length byte position is the first byte of a two-byte code, a three-byte serial number is added after the first 248 - folder-path-name-length bytes.

  • The extension is always .xlsx.

The file name is converted to Shift-JIS encoding for the Japanese locale or ASCII encoding for any non-Japanese locales. Any characters that cannot be converted are replaced with hyphens (-).

Memory used by jprmpflw command

You can use the following equation to determine how much memory the jprmpflw command will use.

Keep in mind that a certain amount of leeway is built into this equation.

Many of the factors governing memory usage depend on individual user settings. These include the length of unit names, the depth of the hierarchy, the amount of unit attribute data, and the number of schedule rules. For this reason, the result of the equation does not always reflect actual memory usage.


4 MB + (Memory needed to load job operation information file) x 3.5 bytes#1

  • Memory needed to load job operation information file:

    = All units + Format + Jobnet flow format#2

  • All units:

    = 20 bytes + 4 bytes x Total number of units + (1 unit) x Total number of units

  • 1 unit:

    = 28 bytes + (48 bytes + average data of unit attributes x number of days of daily data collected) x number of attributes collected by ajsshow command + (48 bytes + average data of unit attributes) x number of attributes collected by ajsprint command + (number of attributes collected by ajsshow command + number of attributes collected by ajsprint command) x 8 bytes

  • Format

    = 61 bytes x 4 bytes + 12 bytes x 10 (average number of columns selected)

    = 376 bytes

  • Jobnet flow format

    = 6 bytes + (8 bytes x average number of columns selected) x number of output unit types

#1: If you execute multiple jprmpflw commands or multi-user remote operation is enabled, you need the amount of memory obtained by multiplying the value determined with this equation by the number of executed commands or the number of execution users.

#2: Add it when the jobnet flow is output.

  • In an environment with User Account Control (UAC) enabled, if a user without administrator privileges specifies a file path containing an OS-protected folder, such as C:\Program Files, as a map output save file name in the -m option or as a jobnet flow output save file name in the -l option, the file is redirected and output to the VirtualStore folder for each user.

    Files are redirected when the save destination is a folder in one of the following directories:

    - system-drive:\Windows

    - system-drive:\Program Files

    - system-drive:\Program Files (x86) (for 64bit Windows)

    The redirected files are stored in the following directories:

    - %LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Windows

    - %LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files

    - %LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)

    The default value of the %LocalAppData% is system-drive:\Users\OS-user-name\AppData\Local.

  • If a jobnet does not contain any unit to display, or in the root jobnet or the manager jobnet, only the full name of the jobnet is output.

  • Job groups are not to be output. If the top unit in the job operation information file is a job group, do not set depth-of-the-job-hierarchical-tree to 1. If you specify it, nothing is output. Specify the number of output layers so that a layer where a jobnet is defined is included.

  • In map output, the standard icons provided by JP1/AJS3 - View 13-00 are displayed. The following icon appears for units that do not have the standard icons:


  • You cannot tell if a jobnet has release information from an icon. The jobnet shows the same icon as ones without release information.

  • If the unit name is not displayed fully in the print and print preview of the map output file, you can extend the unit name display area to display the cutoff unit name. For details on how to extend the size of the unit name display area, see 7.19.4 Displayed items of the Map tab.

  • If the arrow is hidden by the unit name's background in map output, you can make the unit name background transparent to display the hidden arrow. For details on how to make the unit name background transparent, see 7.19.4 Displayed items of the Map tab.

  • Specify whether to display comments in map output in the Map tab of the Environment Settings window. For details on how to specify the setting, see 7.19.4 Displayed items of the Map tab.

  • If maps are configured to display comments in map output, but you cannot see a comment hidden under the icon due to its length, then enlarge the size of the area where the unit name is displayed, or edit the width of the cell in Microsoft Excel.

  • In map output, when maps are configured not to display comments, unit names are aligned center, while when configured to display them, both unit names and comments aligned left.

  • Jobnet flow output will fail if the jobnet flow definition file specified in the Environment Settings window cannot be found. Make sure that the file specified in the Environment Settings window exists at the specified location.

  • If jobnet flow output produces a cell in Microsoft Excel that contains more than 255 characters, ##### might appear as the cell data in Microsoft Excel.

  • If the jobnet flow output process outputs a piece (generation) of data to Microsoft Excel that exceeds 4,000 bytes, the jobnet flow output functionality outputs "x (The data has too many characters to display.)" in its place. Each cell output cannot contain more than 32,000 bytes or 255 lines of data. Data exceeding these limits is truncated.

    When the limit is exceeded, the information about the name and attributes of the unit that caused the problem is output to a log file. Take action such as dividing the input data over several jobnet flow images.

  • If the strings in cells are not displayed fully in the print and print preview of the jobnet flow output file, you can extend the display area to display the cutoff items. For details on how to extend the size of the display area for data, see 7.19.5 Displayed items of the Jobnet Flow tab.

  • If you want to display legends in jobnet flow output, configure the system to display legends in the Jobnet Flow tab of the Environment Settings window. For details on how to specify the setting, see 7.19.5 Displayed items of the Jobnet Flow tab.

  • The amount of information the map output and jobnet flow output functionality can output depends on the maximum number of lines, columns, and maximum number of page breaks allowed in Microsoft Excel. If the output information exceeds these limits, an error occurs in Microsoft Excel when the output file is opened.

    You can find out how many lines, columns, and page breaks Microsoft Excel allows by viewing the Help or other documentation for Microsoft Excel.

  • If an error occurs in map output and jobnet flow output, open the file stored in the output destination to check the error.

  • If the length of the path (including the file name) to the file created by the jprmpflw command exceeds 218 characters, an error occurs when you start Microsoft Excel to open the file. If this occurs, use one of the following methods to open the file:

    - Change the name of the file to a shorter one.

    - Change the name or names of one or more folders that contain the file to shorter ones.

    - Move the file to a folder with the shorter path name.

  • If you perform map output and jobnet flow output, install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 or later.

  • The line weights of arrows in map output and jobnet flow output are determined according to the default setting of Microsoft Excel. Therefore, they might be different from those of arrows in the file created by the jprmpflw command.

  • The start and end positions of arrows in map output and jobnet flow output may be different from those of arrows in the file created by the jprmpflw command by a few millimeters.

  • Sizes of files that store the results of map output and jobnet flow output are different from those of files created by the jprmpflw command.

  • Fonts to display unit names and comments in map output may be different from those of fonts in the file created by the jprmpflw command.

  • If you press the Ctrl + C keys during execution of the jprmpflw command, the jprmpflw command is interrupted, but files might be output in the background.

  • When multi-user remote operation is enabled or the jprmpflw commands are executed concurrently from more than one session, the max number to execute this command is 5.