
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

7.19.4 Displayed items of the Map tab

On the Map tab, you can perform display settings for map output.

Figure 7‒67: Map tab of Environment Settings window


Map output

Select whether to extend the size of the unit name display area. If the unit name is not displayed fully in the print and print preview, select Extends. If you select Extends, the height of the unit name display area is increased for the size specified. The default is Does not extend.

If you select Extends, specify a number (unit: point) in the addition box, from 9 to 349 with up to one decimal point. If you specify a number with two or more decimal points, the second decimal point and thereafter are discarded.

Specify line-feed location in unit name

Select whether to specify a line-feed position in the unit name. If you want to specify a line-feed position in the unit name, select Specifies. The default is Does not specify.

When Does not specify is selected, you cannot specify any line-feed position in the unit name. In this case, a line feed is inserted at the position of 10 bytes per line in the unit name.

When Specifies is selected, set up the following item:

  • Number of characters in 1 line

    Specify the number of characters displayed per line in the unit name from 1 through 30. The default is 10.

Displays comments

Select whether to display comments under unit names. If you want to display them, select Displays. The default is Hides.

When you select Displays, set the following items:

  • Maximum number of characters

    Specify the length of a comment by the number from 1 through 80, starting from the beginning of the comment. The default is 30.

  • Comment line-feed location:

    Line breaks are added right after the specified line-feed character when comments are displayed. The possible options are: None; " " (space); , (comma); . (period); - (hyphen); : (colon); and ; (semicolon).

    When None is selected, no line-feed character is added in the comment. When " " (space) is selected, line-feed characters are added right after double-byte or single-byte space characters. When one of the other symbols is selected, they are added right after the selected single-byte characters. The default is None.

  • Symbol at the head of the comment to hide:

    When a comment begins with the specified symbol, the comment for the unit is not displayed. The possible options are: None, #, @, % (percent), &, and *.

    When None is selected, all comments are displayed. The default is None.

Map PDF output

Select whether to extend the size of the unit name display area. If the unit name is not displayed fully in the print and print preview, select Extends. If you select Extends, the height of the unit name display area is increased for the size specified. The default is Extends addition.

If you select Extends, specify a number (unit: point) in the addition box, from 9 to 30 with up to one decimal point. If you specify a number with two or more decimal points, the second and thereafter are discarded. The default is 9.

Map/Map PDF output

Select whether to make the unit name background transparent or not. If the arrow is hidden by the unit name background, select Transparence. The default is Opacity.