
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

7.19.3 Displayed items of the View Settings tab

On the View Settings tab, you can perform display settings for document output information for job operation.

Figure 7‒66: View Settings tab of Environment Settings window


Maximum number of units

Specify the maximum number of units to display in an output document. You can specify a value from 32,000 to 150,000. The default is 32,000.

Detailed schedule information

You can use this check box to change the symbols used in monthly and daily schedules. The default is cleared.

  • When cleared

    The symbol ■ (Scheduled) is used for all units in monthly and daily schedules.

  • When selected

    The symbols used in monthly and daily schedules reflect the status of the unit.

    For details on the symbols used, see C. List of Symbols in Daily and Monthly Documents.

Monthly and daily display hours

Select between 24 hours and 48 hours to display monthly and daily documents. You can select 24 hours or 48 hours. By default, 24 hours is specified.

  • When 24 hours is selected

    In a monthly document, a job's schedule extended over two days is displayed as-is. In a daily document, a schedule for 24 hours from the displayed date is displayed.

  • When 48 hours is selected

    In a monthly document, a job's schedule extended over two days is displayed at the position of the scheduled date for job execution. In a daily document, a schedule for 48 hours from the displayed date is displayed.

For details on the 24-hour display system and the 48-hour display system, see 7.15.3 Items on Column Item tab.